Prayer For Special Needs Students

My Heavenly Father,

I lift up my precious baby boy to you. As much as I love him, I know that you love Ezra with a love far greater than I could ever comprehend. He is your child. I ask that you pour out your blessings upon him as he begins another school year.

Jesus, help Your people see children as You see them, remembering that what we do for them, we really do for You.

Holy Spirit, please cover these children with Your protection; to deflect the stares and comments from schoolmates. Help them to take to heart the well-meaning comments of others.

Dear God,

Help me to help this child who is hurting others and is in so much pain himself. God, give me patience and let love guide me as I help him to grow as an individual. Let me not teeter on the edge of giving up, but provide hope, structure, love and safety to all of the students in my class.

Tell me when it is time to be tough and when it is better to let things go. It is out of my control and in your hands. All I can do is prepare myself appropriately and offer love and laughter to my students with emotional needs. I feel frustrated and helpless right now, God, but I trust that you will show me another way.

I want this year to be great. I'm looking to you for answers. Bless this boy and give him peace at home and in school. Let his painful words not affect the other emotionally fragile students in my class. Amen.