Prayer For Someone With Cancer

Heavenly Father, I am fearful of my future. I am scared of what is to come. I pray, Jesus, that You give me peace and comfort in the idea of death. We all know my body is failing me, but my spirit is strong, and I am confident in everlasting life in You. Help me be at peace with whatever comes next and prepare me for the worst. God, if it is Your will for me to join You in heaven, I ask that You give me enough time to say goodbye. Calm me, Lord. Help me live the rest of my days with grace and love for those around me. Amen.

Heavenly Father, Give all cancer fighters comfort when they are in pain. Lay your healing hand on all and remove every cancer cell so that they may be healed! Amen

Precious Holy Spirit, please be with me during chemo. Just the thought of treatment makes my stomach hurt, but I know it is good for me in the long run. Dull the nausea, God. Be my comfort and strength. Help me feel You with me. Take over my body through the process, God. Ease my nerves and anxiety in anticipation and help me recover quickly. Amen.

Lord God, I lift up to You all of the healthcare providers who support patients with cancer. I pray that you give them unique wisdom so that they know the best plan of action for each patient's treatment. I pray that you fill them with hope and encouragement so that they can encourage their patients in times of distress. God, I pray that You bless them for the hard work that they are doing and give them rest. Amen.

May God heal me, body and soul. May my pain cease, may my strength increase, may my fears be released, May blessings, love, and joy surround me. Amen.

Father God, we humbly pray for all those who are fighting cancer. Give them the hope and courage they need each day. Comfort them in their pain and bless them with healing. Strengthen their family, friends, and caregivers. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Jesus, I surrender my future and my health to You. This is a scary time for me and my family. Much is unknown, yet You are constant, and You are good. I pray that You give me confidence in whatever path You lead me down. Whatever my future may hold, let Your will be done. Please give me peace as I follow You blindly. Amen.

Father of Compassion, I have just found out that somebody I love has cancer, and I am at a loss for words. I cannot imagine the shock and hardship that must come with receiving such news. Jesus, please be with them in this unimaginably hard time. I don't even know what to pray, but please bring healing or relief or comfort. Just be there, God. Be there in this news. Give me wisdom about how I can best be there for them. We love You, God, even in the chaos. Amen.