Prayer For Someone With Ptsd

God, my Healer, it seems as though my mind has never been the same since the trauma I endured. My own thoughts are disturbing, and I cannot seem to find peace. Please, Jesus, grant me the wisdom to deal with this in a way that honors You. Help me to honor You despite what I've gone through. If it be Your will, take this pain away from me. Grant me mental healing. Let my restored life be a testimony to Your mercy and kindness. Amen.

Everlasting Father, it breaks my heart to see [name] suffering under the mental anguish of PTSD. Please, Lord, be merciful and grant help and comfort for this wounded soul. May the Holy Spirit work mightily to provide peace and comfort. May the pains of trauma be covered with the healing power of Your gospel. May Your Son intercede and provide salvation and wholeness. Father, may these acts of kindness be done in order to magnify Your holy name. Amen.

God of Salvation, the pains experienced by [name] run deep, and it makes me concerned for their safety. I pray that these many mental scars would not be converted into forms of physical harm. Please grant Your shield of protection, and may angels intercede to prevent the devil from having his way. Most of all, have mercy on this poor soul. May Your kindness defeat the ills of PTSD and may Your saving gospel be a cause for their rejoicing. I pray in Jesus's name. Amen.

Almighty One, I call to You in the hope that You might intercede on behalf of [name]. God, may their future not be marred completely by PTSD. Please grant some semblance of better days ahead. Please be merciful and let Your Son's gospel be sealed in their heart. Let Your glorious light supply a ray of hope. May You be glorified in supplying a suffering creature with steadfast hope in Christ's salvation. Amen.

God of Love and Encouragement, I ask that You help in a special way to help me to rekindle my relationship with [name], despite the barriers caused by PTSD. Please restore the trust and comfort that used to happen so freely. May we have lighthearted moments and share good memories again. Help us to have fellowship, and grant that we would encourage each other through faith in Christ. I ask for this mercy because You are a compassionate creator. Amen.

God of All Grace, please hear my cry. My joy seems to have vanished, and I long to feel as I once did before I had PTSD. I live under constant anguish and despair, and it seems as though it will never end. God, I trust in You and ask that You give me a restored attitude of joy. Please bring me the joy of my salvation and grant me freedom from my affliction in this world. I know that You care for me and can help me along my way in life. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I turn to You because I know that You understand. You have suffered more than I can imagine. You descended from Your glorious place into humiliation. You took on human flesh and suffered all the way to death at the hands of Your own creatures. By Your own trials, You are able to understand mine. You care for me and show compassion to my PTSD. Please, Lord, grant me Your grace and heal me from my pain. Help me be whole again. Build me up in faith in You. Thank You, my Savior. Amen.

Righteous Father, I pray that You would grant me rest. I ask that You ease my anxiety due to PTSD and end my painful thoughts. May Your peace descend from on high and allow me an opportunity for true restfulness. Please be merciful in allowing the blessing of sleep. I pray that it would bring me relief and encouragement about the future of my life. Lord, let Your glory be made known by granting Your healing touch on me. Amen.