Prayer For Someone Who Lost Their Father

Generous Father, thank you that you are the source of all true joy in life. Your word says that, even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. The loss of my loved one feels like a dark valley. I ask that you lead me through this difficult time. May I find the comfort I desire in you and the strength I need in your name. May your presence be with me every hour of the day. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Mighty God, thank you that you are my creator, you know me better than anyone else. You know the pain and grief I feel at this time. You have promised that you will make all things work together for my good. Please provide comfort for me and use this difficult time to develop my character. You are the God of peace. May you sanctify me completely, and may my whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. You, who called me, are faithful to the end. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Lord, Jesus Christ, my Savior and redeemer, you willingly gave yourself up to death, so that all might be saved and pass from death to life. By dying you unlocked the gates of life for all those who believe in you. In my grief and shock, may I be comforted and embraced by your loving arms. I place my hope in your eternal life. Give me hope in my confusion and grace to live my life in thanksgiving to you. I look to your love and mercy to sustain me in my time of need. In your powerful name, Amen.

O Lord, my God, thank you that you are my rock and fortress, I can always find refuge in you. You have said that whoever follows you will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. As I feel the darkness of grief and sorrow at this time, shine your light on my life. Remind me that my hope is found in you. May your love surround me, your Spirit guide me, your voice cheer me, your peace calm me, your shield protect me, your wisdom arm me, wherever you may lead me. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Compassionate and loving Father, thank you that I am never alone, your presence calms the troubled sea of my life and speaks peace to my soul. Your word says that my faith will never be put to shame when my trust is in you. Hear my prayer as I ask for comfort in dealing with the loss of my loved one. Help me to find strength and peace in your presence. Restore joy to my soul. Lord, bless me and keep me, make your face shine upon me. Turn your face towards me and give me peace. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

you know our hearts and share our sorrows.
We are hurt by our parting from those whom we loved:
when we are angry at the loss we have sustained,
when we long for words of comfort,
yet find them hard to hear,
turn our grief to truer living,
our affliction to firmer hope
in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lord God,
you are attentive to the voice of our pleading.
Let us find in your Son
comfort in our sadness,
certainty in our doubt,
and courage to live through this hour.
Make our faith strong through Christ our Lord.

God our Father,
Your power brings us to birth,
Your providence guides our lives,
and by Your command we return to dust.
Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,
their lives change but do not end.
I pray in hope for my family,
relatives and friends,
and for all the dead known to You alone.
In company with Christ,
Who died and now lives,
may they rejoice in Your kingdom,
where all our tears are wiped away.
Unite us together again in one family,
to sing Your praise forever and ever.