Prayer For Someone Going Through Divorce

We simply implore you, Jesus, for your name's sake and glory, come near to our friends; preach peace to their hearts; destroy the hostilities which have sabotaged their marriages. Make peace and bring reconciliation. Nothing else has worked so far. All the counselingthe marriage retreats, the time spent in late night conversations, listening and pleading. We have no other resources but youthe God who raises the dead.

Father, it is with great sadness that we come before You, knowing that our precious daughter has decided to divorce her husband. Oh Lord, this must grieve Your heart as it does ours, and we pray that they both may consider working this through together, to try to reconcile their differences.

Protect our little grandchildren, we pray, and ask that they may not be hurt or emotionally damaged by all that must be going on in the home at the moment.

Lord, we know that things in this world are hard and that marriage is not the bed of roses that the pop songs and romance novel make it out to be. But a good marriage partnership has to be worked at from both sides, and often for a lifetime, if the result is to be the depth of mutual love that we know is possible, for those that are in Christ.

Prevent them from rushing into divorce too quickly we pray, and give them both the grace and the wisdom to seek You and Your will for their lives. May they be reconciled with each other, and with You, and draw ever closer to the Lord Jesus. Pour out Your love and peace and forgiveness into their hearts and renew a right relationship between them we pray. In Jesus' name,


Gracious God and Heavenly Father, we rejoiced so much when our dear son was married to his lovely bride, but how sad that things have deteriorated to the point that they are going through a divorce. Lord, this is not what we would have chosen and I am sure that this is not Your perfect will for their lives. Keep us Lord, from criticising what they are planning to do, and may we be both a present and a prayerful support for our son and daughter-in-law, at this difficult time.

Father, You know whatever the problem is between them, and I pray that both of them will seek Your face before going through this irreversible decision. Lord, we pray that in Your grace and mercy You would move both their hearts to rethink this decision, and may Your Holy Spirit convict their hearts and bring to mind the marriage vows they made to each other, in Your presence.

Be with us all in the days that lie ahead, and help us to keep our trust in You, knowing that all things work together for good to those that are Your children. In Jesus' name we pray,


God be with my friend during this difficult times, protect him from all harm that may come his way, put him under your wings, cover him with your blood, may your angel walk with him where ever he goes, protect his kids from the evil of this world. Give him strength and wisdom to make the right decisions, all in Jesus name.