Prayer For Someone Going Through A Divorce

Dear Lord Jesus,

I come to you to request strength during my time of sorrow. My husband decided 2 months ago that he no longer wants to be married bc he is no longer in love with me. He has been acting really selfish towards me and he does not realize how hurt and affected I am by this break up.

My heart is hurting and I feel broken. I pray for strength and the ability to deal with this situation graciously and with dignity. Please Lord I need you bc I can't do this alone. Hear my heart bc its crying out for your healing. In your name I pray. Amen.

God, please impart Your wisdom into _________'s mind so that_______ heart is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.

God, I invite You to help ______________ fear You and hold Your Word in high esteem so that _______ will be satisfied in life and this marriage.

Loving Father, my heart is heavy as I am having to face a divorce I never wanted and feel not only alone, but such a failure in my marriage.

Lord, when we made our marriage vows to each other, I never contemplated the thought of separation, and certainly not divorce. Lord, I was sure that You had brought us together and now my whole life seems to be shattered, and we are more like strangers than husband and wife.

Help me Lord. Give me the strength and the courage to face this sadness in my life. Keep me Lord from bitterness, and may I face the proceedings with calm dignity and not acrimony or hostility. There is much pain in my heart, Lord. I pray that You will keep me from nursing any wounds and that I would emerge from this ordeal closer to You.

Thank You, that You have promised to be with me through all the storms of life. Lead me in the path that You have planned for me, I pray. In Jesus' name,


Father God, what can I say? My wife has walked out on me saying that she can't stand to be with me and that she no longer loves me. How can this be? I worked so hard to provide for everything that she wanted, but now that times are hard, she wants me out of her life forever, and has asked for a divorce.

Forgive me, Lord, for my part in this rift that has developed between my wife and me. Perhaps I put too much weight on providing for the comforts of life, without being the loving comforter she may have needed. Perhaps I looked too much outside the walls of my home for my own comforts too, and became too easily flattered by others who seem attracted to me.

Forgive me for letting my marriage fail to the point where we may be separated, and even divorced. But thank You Lord, for all You did for me at the cross of Calvary. I know that there is no sin that I have committed in thought, word or deed that was not dealt with by the cross, for we are told that the only sin that cannot be forgiven is unbelief in Jesus, and I trust in Jesus Christ as my Saviour.

Lord, I pray that our marriage will not end in divorce, but that by Your grace You would bring us back together again, to start afresh, with You at the helm of our home, rather than with me thinking I had to prove myself. Thank You, Jesus, for being there for me.


God be with my friend during this difficult times, protect him from all harm that may come his way, put him under your wings, cover him with your blood, may your angel walk with him where ever he goes, protect his kids from the evil of this world. Give him strength and wisdom to make the right decisions, all in Jesus name.