Prayer For Sick Pet Dog

God of All Mercy, through our sin, sickness and death entered into the world. By our account, all of creation now endures the sting of disease. To You, I cry out for the redemption and healing of my dog. Send Your healing power into his/her body and eradicate this disease that is affecting him/her. For You have destroyed sickness and disease by Your death. All of creation has tasted Your redemption. Therefore, we beg You to heal. Amen.

Most Loving God, I turn to You out of desperation. My beloved dog is in intense pain, and I cannot do anything about it. Day in, and day out, I must witness his/her agony. Lord, take this pain away from him/her. Give me the strength to do whatever is necessary to bring humane relief to them. Give me sound advice from veterinarians and counselors who can help me discern the next steps. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.

Sovereign Lord, You are the author of all good things. One of the greatest things You have created is the dog. We often overlook their love and faithfulness that You have blessed us with by their presence. But now, Lord, my dog needs me. He/she is in dire health, and things are not going well. Therefore, I ask that You send him/her Your healing touch. Remove all disease from them, so that they might continue to witness to others of Your great love and faithfulness. Amen.

Gracious Father, Your holiness excludes all death and disease. It disintegrates before You. Therefore, reach down and lay Your healing touch upon my dog who has fallen gravely ill. Take away his sickness as far as the east is from the west. Give them a healthy appetite and restful sleep so they can quickly get back to health and life. Amen.

Almighty Father, You are the Lord and giver of life. By Your word, You uphold and sustain all things. Hear my prayer, Lord, for I am undone. My best friend, my dog, has fallen ill. He/she brings so much joy to my life. Please heal him/her. Send Your healing Spirit to wash over them. Take his/her sickness away and restore them to health. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, be with us in our hour of need. My poor dog is now sick, and I do not know how to help him/her. I am very scared and feel helpless. Lord, give me strength and wisdom to care for my sick dog. Help me to be patient and not harsh with them. Make me receptive to his/her needs and allow me to be a good companion to him/her in their time of sickness. Amen.

Loving God, You are merciful not only to mankind but to all creation. It is because I know Your faithfulness that I appeal to You. For behold, my beloved dog has grown ill. He is such a blessing, Lord, and I cannot imagine the pain he is in. I beg You to have mercy upon us and bring healing to his/her body. Take away his/her pain so that they are not suffering. Nurse them back to health by Your gentle Spirit. Amen.

Lord Jesus, my Savior, You are our great and mighty healer. In Your presence all sickness retreats. It cannot be before You. Listen to me and turn not Your ear away. My companion (name of pet) has become stricken with illness. They are in pain and I cannot alleviate it. Lord, mercifully grant healing to my dog. Help him to recover swiftly, for Your love extends to all creatures. Amen.