Prayer For Sick Grandpa

God I pray for my grandpa he is so sick and in the hospital! Heal him Lord he needs to know you, I pray for you to be glorified in all this. He is the sweetest man I've ever known I can't stand to see him suffering and in pain please Lord speak to him and speak your healing blood over him! In Jesus name amen

Father Lord,

As You are the One, and we, Your servants, we pray Oh God above to heal and support Name. Destroy any sickness that is, was, and will ever be in his/her body In Jesus Name. We pray that thereafter, You rejuvenate his/her mind, body, and soul, that he/she may be granted the strength to function in all areas of his/her life. Name shall stand before You Oh Lord, and he/she will pray and raise his or her voice in thanks to You.

We glorify Your mighty deeds Oh Lord, and In Jesus Name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, the doctor's report is out, and the results are very devastating. Please grant me the courage to accept that my days on earth are numbered. As I face each day and draw near to the day that I will leave this world, help me to remember that life is but a mist. Remind me of your love that I may hold onto your word. Where there is fear, replace it with courage and the desire to come and be home with you, Lord. Help me to see dying as another way of healing from the pain and sorrows of this world. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I have just been diagnosed with an incurable disease. I am worn out, scared, and depressed. I don't know where to turn to, but I know you're with me always. Fight my battles, dear Lord rescue me from this pit and help me to walk in the divine health that Jesus died on the cross for me to have. Uproot fear from my heart and help me to walk in boldness, knowing that the doctor's report is not the final report comes. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen

O Lord, I feel so broken because of this sickness. My spirit is crushed because I do not know whether I will make it or not. Give me a cheerful heart because it is good medicine for my body. Fill me with joy in my heart even as I go through this challenging time, and when the pain is too much, remind me of your love and your presence that I may be able to fight the good fight of faith. May healing manifest in my body, soul, and spirit that I may serve you for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

O Lord,
My baby boy is only 2. He has been diagnosed with cancer. Father, I don't know how to handle this and this is more than I can handle. Father, I don't want to live here without my son! Please, heal him! Lord, give the medical staff the wisdom to pinpoint the exact places to eradicate this disease from his body. Please, Lord, don't let the cancer spread! Please, heal him! I am in a pit of despair and anguish over this. Lord, I need You now more than ever. I love You! Amen

Father in Heaven,
You know the news I just received, for You know everything. Father, be with my dear brother in Christ. He just had a seizure and is on the way to the hospital. Only You know what is going on right now, Lord, and I pray that my friend may be healed of whatever is going on. Lord, I pray that this will be the only seizure he will have. Father, be with his wife and children. I know they are scared right now. Give them peace through this, Lord. You are the Great Physician, and I know Your hand is in this. I love You! Amen

Dear God, I come before and humble my self in prayer. Father in heaven I am your child but come to you on my Granfathers behalf, for a healing and miracle. I love him so much and I need and want him to live longer. He is 90 years old but he fell and broke his hip bone and we as his family cannot afford his surgery because it is too expensive and will cost us about 800$.

Father in heaven we can't afford it but I know that you already know his situation and I also believe in you God, I believe that you are the king of kings and lord of lords.

You are the master of all situations and with you nothing is impossible.

You made this world and made each of us and only you can heal him and take away the pain he is in right now. I believe that your son Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and that whatever we/I ask in his name, I shall receive- therefore Father in heaven, MIGHTY GOD, I ask IN THE NAME OF JESUS that my grandfather be healed of the BROKEN HIP, may he receive a miracle IN THE NAME OF JESUS, BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND BY THE GRACE OF GOD.

Be merciful to my grandfather and forgive him for his sins because I know he loves you so much and believes in JESUS CHRIST YOUR SON.

I BIND any kind of evil whatsoever that comes in my Grandfathers way and invite the heavenly angels to protect him jealously and create hedge of protection around him IN THE NAME OF JESUS.

Thank you God for your mercy, thank you for your love, hope and tenderness. I love you God, my grand father is nothing without you, help him father in THE NAME OF JESUS.