Prayer For Service To Community

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for where you have placed me at this time. Where I live is no accident. This neighborhood is my mission field, and I declare these streets are covered by the blood of Jesus. Satan has no power here. Neighbor will embrace neighbor. The strong will stand for the weak. The young will respect the old. The capable will assist the unable. These homes will be safe havens of friendship, kindness, and compassion. No one will go hungry. No one will go unnoticed. Lives here will be changed in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Thank you, God, for the body of believers who are called to serve you, who are proclaiming the Good News to all who will hear. From those who minister across the country to the men, women, and youth here at home, send us out to be a light in the dark. Send us out to speak life. Send us out to extend grace and mercy. Send us out to feed the hungry, to befriend the lonely, to find the lost. Open the doors of this church and fill it with the broken, the angry, the hurting. Let them find forgiveness and comfort here in the presence of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Father, thank you for the opportunity to work. Thank you for providing a way for bills to be paid and for food to be on the table. God, as I work today, help me to remember I work for you. Help me to prioritize my tasks. Partner with me as I field phone calls, solve problems, and collaborate with co-workers. Create in me a heart that works with honesty, patience, and integrity. Let people see you when they see me at work. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Loving and gracious God, we come before you with unlimited confidence in your love and mercy. Take from us those painful anxieties that separate us from you. Take from us those impediments to building a community of persons committed to bringing about your reign. Give us this day and all our days the grace to be faithful to our call. Amen.

Heavenly Father, you gather us together in our faith journey

Trusting in you, we join one another as a community
A community of faith on a journey
A journey to grow ever deeper in our faith
In our Love
In our Desire to long for you
Along the way, remind us of your Love
Of your sacrifice for us
Of your ever mindful presence
Let us never lose hope along the way
Help us to be strong
Strong in Faith
Strong in Love
Strong in our Desire to be ever mindful of your presence
For it is in your strength and Love and the Graces you bestow upon us, that we can go out and share in your Love and Faith with all those in our community.
It is in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reins with you and the Holy Sprit one God For ever and ever


Embracing Father,
You grace each of us with equal measure in your love.
Let us learn to love our neighbors more deeply,
so that we can create
peaceful and just communities.
Inspire us to use our creative energies
to build the structures we need
to overcome the obstacles
of intolerance and indifference.
May Jesus provide us the example needed
and send the Spirit to warm our hearts for the journey.

Creator God, as Spring begins, we remember your faithfulness and love; we give you thanks for the signs of your presence among us. Grant us grace to enliven our relationships in mutuality, interdependence, and empowerment of others. Give us grace to remain faithful as you are faithful.

May our inner vision be transformed so that we can see more clearly that the one who has called us will strengthen us, the one whose power now at work in us can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.

May we be open to the Spirit, to Sofia, that we may discern with hope and joy and confidence what we are called to be and to become to continue the building of the reign of God. May we be the ones who in faithfulness and solidarity bring the loving compassion and mercy of our God to our needy world. Amen.

Lord God, we thank you and praise you for the glorious light of your spirit in the world. We rejoice in your call to serve in this ministry of health care. Be with us in our labors. Fill us with joy as we extend our hands in love. Let our light shine in the name of your son, Jesus, our brother in healing. Amen.