Prayer For Self Esteem

O Heavenly Father,

You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Amen.

Dear God,

Please help me to not think of myself more highly than I ought, but rather think of myself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith that you have distributed to me. For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. Help me identify my gift, whatever it may be, and use it to your glory. Amen.

Dear Lord,

Your grace is sufficient for me, your power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. Amen.

Dear God,

Speak loudly to me and reveal all limiting images in my mind. Replace them with pictures that glorify you and accurately represent my full potential. Upgrade my opinion of myself and my vision for the future so I never feel the need to protect and preserve the past. Show me how to be a faithful steward of my one and only opportunity to magnify the greatness you have placed within me and to show your presence in my life. Lead me away from complacency and any temptation to settle for less than what you know is my absolute best.

How awesome it is that you know everything about me and love me anyway! As I accept and experience your grace and mercy, help me to grasp the depth and perfection of your love as demonstrated by the sacrifice of your only Son. Restore me this day, and make me whole and complete.

In Jesus' name,


As I go to work,
Be with me Lord.
Be the patience when I'm frustrated.
Be the endurance when I am tired.
Be the wisdom when I am uncertain.
Be the inspiration when I'm out of ideas.
Be the peacemaker when I feel hurt.
Be the comforter when I feel overwhelmed.
Be the energy when I am weary.
Be the guide when I am confused.
Be the forgiver when I get it wrong.
Be with me Lord, today.

O God, this is a prayer for your help within my life.
I desire to give myself each day the grace that comes from Christ.
I do not stumble to forgive, or care for those in need,
I find I love to serve and learn, and have willing hands and feet.

I love all those around me and encourage them each day,
In all they ever could be, I see them with heavens gaze.
And yet I fear I stumble when looking at myself,
I often wish that somehow I could be someone else.

I criticise and scrutinise each aspect within me,
And tend to find so many reasons to reject the one I see.
From every aspect of my thoughts, I find that I compare
Myself to others, cleverer, or more talented or fair.

And once I've finished putting myself down in every way,
I sense my spirit failing, and then lock myself away.
Yet I know that if I start to place those feelings in your grace,
I find I forgive my failings and give thanks for each new day.

My spirit grows much lighter, I open eyes to see,
The joy of being human when you stand so close to me.
The journey that I travel is the adventure you began,
The miracle of love and grace that I hold in my hands.

Oh Father,

Thank you Lord that I am a daughter (son) of a king loved and cherished, and my inheritance is eternal goodness.

So today I wear my crown like a princess (prince). Full of humility, for I do not earn this honour, I simply choose to live in it. I place this prize upon my head, a jewel already paid for, this symbol of belonging. I feel the grace of God within my heart, grace that enables me to try hard and not to fear failure. Grace that calls me to stay true to my values and visions, but not to be overwhelmed by them. Grace to walk tall, following in your footsteps.

Thank you Lord, for I am daughter (son) of the king, a princess/prince with a crown of jewels, and a child with a loving heavenly Father.


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for revealing to me that I am imprisoning myself by not seeing the value and worth in your creation of me.

Forgive me, Lord, for living in such a way that caused me to place more importance on the opinion of others and myself.

I have doubted my ability and held myself back from being the person you desire me to be.

I am under the bondage of this doubt and pray that you would release me and give me victory over it.

It has robbed me of peace and joy in my life and has prevented me from living life to the fullest as a child of yours.

Help me to have compassion towards myself and to see that what I perceive as weaknesses, are, in fact, blessings.

May I use those blessings to help others who may also be held down by the same untruth that I have been under.

Lord, help me to see myself through your eyes and to see the beauty and person as a whole that you have created. You don't make mistakes, Lord.

Please help me to value myself over anything of this world, whether it be what others think, or earthly possessions.

I don't want to live up to what I think people expect of me; I want to live up to what you desire me to be.

Give me the strength to overcome and to see that I am valued. Help me to accept who I am and to have confidence in my identity through you.

I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen.