Prayer For Selfishness

Heavenly and loving Father, today we lift up your Holy name and we thank You for your unyielding and loving mercy.

Lord Jesus, we are praying today for the selfish people of our world, which includes family members, friends, co-workers, employers and all others.

Lord Jesus, we know that selfishness is the spirit of Satan and that it is destructive and rooted from hell. Lord, we rebuke this spirit and we ask that you cast it out of the individuals that are exhibiting it!

We are earnestly praying for their souls and minds to be restored in Your Holy name. We pray for division to stop and selfish acts to be recognized by those who perpetrate this ugly sin.

Jesus, everything that we have in goodness and provisions, has come from Your hand and without You, we would have nothing. It is because of Your love and grace that we even have life!

Nothing about You is selfish and You show this to all of us each and everyday. Jesus, teach the selfish how to embrace and receive Your spirit of giving and sharing.

Show them the error of their ways and how hurtful their selfishness truly is to those who witness and are directly affected by it.

We pray for Your loving kindness and Spirit of giving to be interwoven in their hearts this very minute. Lord please hear and honor our humble prayer.


Lord, I am not perfect, but I know that, like apostle Paul, I can overcome my selfishness. God, give me strength to become unselfish. Lord, please show me how to rid of my selfishness so you can work through me. I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for your goodness and your mercy. You have done so much in transforming my character to be more like you, yet I know I still have a very long way to go. I know that I am selfish. I am aware of it when I request things of my husband, yet fail to serve him like he serves me. I see it when I manipulate him to get what I want and I see it when I am unsatisfied with life. I pray against selfishness. I pray that you would extinguish it from my heart and rewire my mind. Please help me to serve my husband in a loving way, in a selfless way, in a sacrificial way a way that is more like you! Thank you for changing me! Continue to transform my character in Jesus name AMEN!

Dear Lord,

Please remove selfishness from my heart. Carve it out of me. I pray I wouldn't have a cold heart anymore. I pray I would have love for others. I pray I would seek to do good and to bless others. I pray I would seek the interests of others before myself. I pray I would not be a selfish wife. Help me to love my husband unconditionally in Jesus' name AMEN!

Lord, you are a selfless God because you sent your Son, Jesus to die for my sins so I may have eternal life.

Thank you for showing me what it means to be selfless.

I struggle with selfishness most of the times and I know it is not your will for me.

Help me consider others in everything I do and know that the world does not revolve around me.

Many times I don't feel like sharing what I have with others.

I want to keep everything to myself yet this is not how I want to live my life.

Help me overcome my selfishness and become a selfless person who considers the needs of others.

They need my help and I can be of help to them when they face difficulties.

May your word wash over my spirit and soul and heal every wound that makes me act in selfishness.

I recognize that being self centered is a struggle I have had since childhood.

Your word has the power to heal and deliver me from selfishness (Psalm 107:20).

I want to be more like Christ who is selfless and loves without conditions.

Grant me the grace to consider others opinions or ideas when we are discussing things.

What others think matters and adds on to my knowledge of the topic at hand.

May I give others a chance to express themselves without fearing my reaction.

Help me abide in you according to John 15:4 so I may bear much fruit for your kingdom.

Without you I can do nothing because my strength and wisdom come from you.

When I veer off the right path or drift away from you, help me get back on track. My hope is in you because you are my savior and I can depend on you.

Where I struggle to surrender to you, may the Holy Spirit help me for He is my Helper.

Today I surrender to you my selfish ways and I ask you to teach me how to be selfless and show concern for the interests of others.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I struggle with focusing too much on myself. Please give me a humble spirit. Help me to focus on others more than myself. I know there are people around me who are also broken. I want to place them before me and be a servant to them today. Amen.

Lord, I have been everything except what I should.
I have fought for my own way over yours,
And I have done nothing but fall short.
I am here for the sole purpose
Of requesting Your mercy once again.
I have chased my own dreams
And burned my own way
Through this busted world to no avail.
I have been a stubborn fool
Who only cares about what he can accomplish
And who he can impress.
I feel as though I am nothing
A jester of chance that is completely unworthy
Of everything You are.
I have come to the broken realization
That without You, I am nothing, my God.
I need you in every part of my life.
Without you directing my steps,
I do nothing but wander the days and nights
Of a desperate world
That is rife with disappointment and failure.
But with You, there is joy and there is love.
With You, I am everything I should be,
Everything I am capable of being.
I have been a selfish soul.
I am here, on my battered knees,
Whispering my hallelujahs
And begging for forgiveness from You
A forgiveness that I am forever in need of. <

br/>Forgive me, sweet Lord.
Make me what I need to be.
Let my tattered heart burn for You as it should.
I relent everything I am to You.
I hand over every part of my withered life
So that You may do with me as You see fit.
Use me, so that I may be proof to a dying world
That there is a God of mercy and unconquered love.
Clean my selfish soul.
Take everything that is not of You
And make me whole once again.
I am here, God.
I have made the final choice
To quit my dashing about
And be still in your ever pure ways.
In your perfect will, let it be so.

Most gracious God and Father of all creation,
I bear witness of your glorious nature and unfathomable power for goodness. Nothing compares to you, O God. I come before you, as I do always, as a servant who has no right to do your work, apart from the right with which was bought for me by Jesus Christ my Lord. I am humbled in your Presence when I think of being apportioned work within your Kingdom; that you consider me worthy enough to join in your work. Your work is the biggest privilege of my life.
I confess before you, Almighty God, that I have this motivated self-interest and that I seem to be unable to live without selfishness when I'm without your Presence. I need you, for I need your protection against this foe: the extraneous desire. Without you in my life, my life would be pointless, and my selfishness would completely ruin me.
I thank you in advance for the things you are already doing in and through my life to expunge my encroaching sin. Whilst I am aware, I can give my selfishness to you. And as I act in selfishness, please Lord, remind me of my folly of short-sightedness.
I need you, Holy Spirit, to continually reveal the vanities of my desire. Draw me into your Word, Lord. Help me be honest regarding my poisonous desires. Help me to find ways of quelling my selfish desires. I ask for the peace that transcends understanding in order that the glory for having controlled these selfish desires runs to you, O God.
It's in Jesus' salvific name that I pray, AMEN.