Prayer For Safety During Typhoon

Heavenly Father, You are our hiding place from the storm and the rain. You are our shelter and our covering. We ask You for preservation from this raging tempest. Please keep all those in the path of this storm safe and defend their homes from damage. Bring peace and protection and provision, we ask. Thank You for Your great compassion and mercy for Your children. Amen.

Lord, we give thanks to You, for You are good; Your faithful love endures forever. When the winds and the waves rise, and we cringe in terror, we cry out to You in our distress, knowing You can calm the storm to a whisper and still the waves. Please draw near, and be our safety. We praise You for Your great love and the wonderful things You have done for us. Amen

Oh Lord, You are my Light and my Salvation. Why should I fear? You are the Stronghold of my life. Why should I be afraid? Even though all the elements of nature advance against me, to devour my home and my family, my heart will not fear. I will be confident in Your salvation. I ask that You hide me in the shelter of Your wings. Be merciful to me and answer me in Your compassion. Amen.

God, my Protector, I keep my eyes on You, through this furious storm. My soul trusts in You, and I know it will be well. I ask You to protect my home and my family from the elements. I rely on Your grace, Your mercy, and Your love. I ask that You will stretch forth Your hand and break the power of this mighty storm, for the wind and waves still know Your name. Amen.

Oh God, our Rock, You are our shelter when storms come our way. We are secure, no matter what news we hear of danger. You are our rock and our defense. We will not be alarmed or fearful. When the wind rages around us, we have our safe retreat in You. You alone are our refuge, be ever near us, we pray. Keep us safe through this time. Amen.

Almighty Father we lift up to you our worries and apprehensions at this very moment. An incoming super typhoon is expected to hit the Visayas area within this week. We implore on You and to Mama Mary to spare us the destruction this typhoon may bring. Many of us have not recovered yet the trauma and the destruction of the recent earthquake that hit us.

Please dear Lord, Mama Mary and all angels and saints in heaven protect us. We entrust our life, our future, and our being to your care. We are nothing in this world without help and assistance.
All these we pray and ask in Your name, Amen.

Lord and Holy Protector, like the disciples who were caught in their tiny boat in the midst of a mighty storm, We come to beg Your Help. We are fearful as we are surrounded by danger. We feel helpless and small before the great power of this storm which is beyond our control.

While everything seems dark and dangerous, we place our trust in You, our Lord and God. Sheltered here in our home, we are also shielded by Your Love against all that might harm us. We know that You hear all prayers; so we now, filled with confidence, lift up our petitions to You, our God.

Lord, we fear for our home, for our lives and for all we hold dear. Your Sacred Blessing is upon this home and upon each of us as well. We are secure in the power of that blessing.

May the saving power of the Cross of Your Son, Jesus, encircle us and our home. May all evil, all harm and injury, be repelled by that Sacred Sign of the Cross. May the light of this candle be for us a holy sign of Your Divine Presence that fills our home in the midst of this danger. Lord and Creator of Storms and of Rainbows, be with us in this time of danger. Amen.

Lord God, I pray that You keep safe and warm our families and loved ones. I ask that You send your angels, people, and timely practical help to those who may be affected by the typhoon. Please prevent it from causing more damage and tragedies in our nation. Please make the sun shine again, Heavenly Father.

At this difficult times, may You encourage those who are fearful and suffering right now with your comforting and healing love. And may You eventually turn their trials into triumphs.
In Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.