Prayer For Retreat Team

Loving God, in our conversations with one another, may we come to a richer understanding of the common good of all creation, and especially the common good of the institution which you have asked us to steward. Guide the decisions and strategic planning that we are about to undertake, keeping before us always the implications of our ideas for the real, living persons that our institution is comprised of and the real, living persons that our institution serves.

We invite you into this gathering and ask that everything we do here be for the glory of your name. Amen.

Blessed are you, God of all creation, whose very life permeates our world, and whose goodness fills our hearts with joy.

Blessed are you, who have brought us together as friends and colleagues.

Be present to us; continue to work in us the wonder of your grace, forming us as your people committed to justice and mercy, healing and compassion, in a world burdened by violence, injustice, and indifference.

Pour forth your blessing on us, renew and refresh us for our mission, making us effective leaders and wise stewards of your bountiful gifts.

Bless this food we are about to share, a sign of your goodness to us, bless those who prepared it, and who serve it, and keep us ever mindful of those who go hungry this night.

May our meal and our celebration nourish our bodies and strengthen the bonds that unite us in love and faithful service.

We ask this through Christ Jesus, Amen.

Lord, as we gather here before this table, we pause to give thanks for the bounty of the earth from which this meal came forth. Create in us a new spirit, that we may bear fruit for others and so share our life with the world. By that same power create human society anew, with justice as its measurement and compassion for a cornerstone, through Christ our Lord. Amen.