Prayer For Reuniting Family

Lord God, I give you all the members of our family. You know them all so well and love them all. I ask that you would cover us with a rainbow of hope. Hope that draws us together to work out our differences. Hope that helps us to celebrate together and care for one another. Hope that rides like a banner in our lives and watches over us wherever we go. Hope that overcomes adversity and gathers strength to overcome. Hope that guides us and gives us vision for our future alone and together. Hope filled with love. Hope that fuels faith. Hope that breathes peace. May our family live in you Underneath your promises. Amen.

God of Love, I thank You for giving us the strength to bear with each other and forgive one another whenever we have had grievances against each other so that we can come together for this family reunion. I pray that we continue to forgive as You have forgiven us. I declare that this family reunion will be the beginning of many peaceful gatherings, I pray that You fill our hearts with Your Spirit so that we can continue to reflect You when we deal with one another, Amen.

Praise be to God Almighty! Blessed is Your name! I rejoice for You have kept this family together long enough so that we can reunite today! Your word states that whatever You have joined together, let no one separate; we know that Your hands are what brought us together. It is by Your grace and by Your might that we are still together to commemorate this family union. I declare unity and strength amongst this bloodline. I declare protection over what is Yours, Amen.

Dearest Heavenly Father, it is with the utmost happiness that we are here today, together, praying to you. We thank you for this time we were able to share together, as we cannot do it as often as we wish. One final thing we ask our you at this family reunion is to guide our family members safely on our trips back home, that you embrace us and keep us out of harm's way. We love you, Father, and thank you again for bringing us together to rejoice in you. Amen.

Father, we thank you for providing us with this meal while we can all be together enjoying each other's company. Let us savor this meal while we bask in the light of the Holy Spirit, and feel what it means to be alive, well, and happy with our great family here today. With every bite and sip we take in, Lord, we thank you. In God's name, we pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for bringing us together today to start our much-needed family reunion. We asked to be brought close to one another and it was in you that we found the strength and resources to put this family reunion together. We ask that you shine your light unto the family while we rejoice in you, Father, and we thank you for guiding us all here safely, and for making this all possible. Without you, our family would not exist, this reunion would not be happening, and these feelings of sheer joy would not be felt. In Your name, we pray. AMEN!

Omniscient God, we know that there is a season for everything, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted. Today is the time to celebrate the reunion of this family, we do not take it for granted that You have allowed this day to happen in its season. I pray that we continue to do all things according to Your time, Amen.

Dear Lord, I proclaim that my offspring shall be like the dust of the earth, and we shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south, and in me and my offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed! Father, You are with us and because of this our generations shall be blessed and covered by Your grace. Continue to turn Your countenance towards us, continue to be the voice that guides us as we celebrate this family reunion, Amen.