Prayer For Retreat Participants

Glorious St. Jude, with faith in your goodness, we ask your help today. As one of Christ's chosen Apostles, you remain a pillar and foundation of His Church on earth. You are counted, we know, among the elders who always stand before God's throne.

From your place of glory we know you do not forget the needs and difficulties of Christ's little ones here, still struggling, like me, on the way home to God. In particular, I invoke your help with (mention your own special need). Please intercede for us gracious St. Jude, and be with us in our daily toil and in all our necessities.


We adore Thee, almighty Father, and with hearts overflowing we thank Thee that Thou has given to us Thy divine Son, Jesus, to be our Redeemer, and that He hath bequeathed Himself to us in the most august Eucharist even to the end of the world, revealing to us the wondrous love of His Heart in this mystery of faith and love.


O heavenly Father, I humbly beseech Your blessings for my family. Keep my loved ones in Your tender care and protect them from every evil.

Grant that no matter how separated we may be by distance, we shall always be close to one another, and to You, in the Sacred Heart of Your Son, Jesus. May we continue to grow in love and peace, ever seeking Your blessings until we are united with You forever in heaven.


O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grand to the souls of Your departed servants the remission of all their sins that through our prayers they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired.


Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my work too may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
that I love only what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, O Holy Spirit,
so that I may always be holy.


Father, we pray for women who may be secretly hurting at our retreat. You know their hearts, and every minute detail of what they're going through. Though they may not share openly about their struggles, you will meet them right where they're at. We pray for opportunities for them to let down their guard, share their story, and receive prayer. We know how hard it is to let people into our lives when we're hurting, so we pray for extra sensitivity and discernment toward these women and wisdom to ask the right questions and pray from your heart. Amen.

Father, we pray for any women who are newcomers at our retreat. We pray that you would draw them into conversation easily and that they would feel comfortable and welcome. Whatever place they're at in life, we pray that the messages, Scriptures, and activities during the retreat would speak personally to their circumstances. Give them courage to open up when sharing will bring healing and friendship, and wisdom to listen when you want to speak to their hearts. Thank you for expanding our ministry to these newcomers, and create new bonds that last beyond this special event. Amen.

Almighty God, Whose hands hold all matters of life, through the intercession of St. Joseph, give us grace of success in the apostolic work that we do.

Come Holy Spirit, fill us with Your gifts.
Help us to give it the careful thought and the strict attention that will lead to success.
Watch over us and govern our actions, that we may not mar its perfection.
?Show us how to give our best, and let us not despise the toil that is necessary to complete it.
?Make our ministry be a successful one, in that every duty You give to us, we do it well.
Give us the blessing of Your help and guidance, and suffer us not to fail.

?We pray for the success of St. Joseph Prayer / Healing Ministry Retreat -
-----for its speakers, that they be inspired by the Holy Spirit, and approved by the Chancellery Office,
-----for its benefactors and their families
?----- for all who make it possible,
-----for all who attend that You touch each one in Your most loving, needful way.

Lord, this is Your retreat. Help us make it possible.
In Jesus' name.