Prayer For Restoration Of The Mind

Almighty Father, You are omniscient, omnipotent and able to do things that are impossible for man. I humble myself before you today Lord and ask you to restore my marriage. Please bring my wife/husband back to me so that we can fulfill Your word that those whom You have joined together let no man put asunder. Forgive me for my part of sin in this separation and show me what I need to do to restore my relationship with You and my relationship with her/him. I Pray, O Lord, to reunite us in Jesus name. Please have mercy upon us O God and I will always be thankful to You for restoring my marriage . I ask for the forgiveness of our sins. I pray for all those people who are may have come in between our relationship that you would set them on the right path and reveal to them the truth of your Word. I freely offer my forgiveness to them for their part in this separation. Fill us all with your Holy Spirit and guide us into your truth. I forgive my spouse for all the past hurt and pain and pray that you would cleanse my mind and my heart from carrying any thoughts that are not from you, in Jesus Name, Amen

Father, I repent of the years that I have wantonly wasted. I desire to turn away from my misspent years and return to You with all my heart, and get back into a right relationship to You.

Lord, I know that I do not deserve to have this prayer answered, but I ask for the sake of Jesus Christ, Who died to pay the price for my sins that You would look down on me with pity and mercy and that You would forgive me of my sins and give me back those years I have lost, when I was walking in unbelief and wanton ignorance of Your love and grace towards me.

I know that I do not deserve Your kindness, but You are a good and gracious God, long-suffering and of great kindness. I pray that You would restore those lost years and ask that You would enable me to start to live a life that is honouring to You. I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Dear Heavenly Father, my marriage is falling apart and I feel helpless and hopeless and I don't know what to do. Lord, I feel powerless and just ask You to please restore my marriage. Bring us back into a loving relationship with each other and with You.

Lord, I confess that I have fallen so far short of how I should have behaved and do not deserve a second chance, but I ask Lord that in Your grace You would restore again the joy we had at the beginning and help us both to move forward in our marriage and help us to live in a way that is pleasing to You.

Heal the wounds we have both received from each other and revive and restore us so that we may move forward in our lives and life together. Lord, You have promised to heal the broken-hearted and I pray that in a wonderful way You would restore my marriage. In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Father, I come to You knowing that You are a God Who hears and answers prayers. I ask Lord, that You would visit each member of our family, which has become so disunited and critical of each other, and restore the joy of Your salvation in all of our hearts.

Lord, we know that times are difficult and that stress often play a part in foolish disputes and disunity in a family or home - but in times of trouble we should remain closely united as a family unit, as well as keeping close to You.

Thank You, Lord, for every member of my family. Minister, I pray, to each one of us in a unique and wonderful way. Touch each of our hearts and help us to stop our foolish squabbling and become united together in thought and deed.

May Your Spirit of peace and hope fill each of our hearts as we recognise that our hope is in You alone. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ,


Forgive me Father God, I have realised that I have become so engrossed in my own affairs and interests that I have wandered far away from You and my life seems to be pretty meaningless.

Thank You, Lord, that in Your grace You have sustained me thus far, but I know Father that I need to get my life back on a spiritual level. I do thank and praise You that in Your grace You have got my attention and made me realise my need to return back into a right relationship with You.

Thank You for sustaining me even when I had wandered far from You, and thank You that Your steadfast love never ceases and that Your tender mercies are new every morning. You are a great and faithful God. Help me I pray, to get a proper perspective on life and I ask that You would restore the joy of my salvation. Help me to keep my eyes looking to Jesus my feet firmly planted on the road of righteousness and peace. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, I feel I have wasted so many years of my life pursuing wrong things and getting involved with worldly activities, fleshly pursuits and the various temporary things of life, while neglecting the important spiritual issues, that are eternal and lasting.

I ask for Your forgiveness and pray that in Your grace You would restore to me the years that the locusts have eaten, the years that I have foolishly wasted.

Lord, I want to be a good and faithful servant when I stand before Your throne, and I know that most if not all of the good works I have done are likely to be burned up, knowing that I have been striving in the flesh instead of resting in You and letting Your Holy Spirit live and work through me. Restore to me the heavenly joy and inner peace that has been evading me. Help me to focus on the eternal rather than the temporal and from this day forward, may I start to live my life in a way that you would have me live. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, thank You that You care for all of Your creation and all of Your children, but Lord, there are so many areas in our home and family life that are gong wrong that it seems that our whole family is about to implode.

Father, I know that we have all made mistakes. I know that have made mistakes and ask Your forgiveness. We have all made some foolish choices, but Father I know that You are in the business of restoring those that are hurting and mending those that are broken, and I pray that You would restore our broken family at this time.

Lord, I come to You for guidance and help to restore our family's relationships. I pray that we would renew our love for each other and may the respect that we used to show to one another return. Restore the family unity we once enjoyed and may we all look to You to lead and guide us as we move forward in our relationship with each other and with You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Father God,

I thank You for Your Holy Spirit that gives us wisdom to know what to ask for in prayer. I lift up myself and my family members, (be specific if you have people that you know are struggling in some of these areas) and I lift up my friends, those in my community, in this geographic region and my city of __________. Please send the answer to this prayer for every person under the umbrella of my prayer!

I renounce fear, depression, anxiety, and addictive behaviors. I renounce and repent for any ways I have come into agreement with the enemy. I thank You Jesus for your forgiveness and restoration. I believe You are the Son of God and You can heal me. You took my sin and disease upon yourself so that I could live victoriously. Please help me live freely. Let faith rise up in me and Your Holy Spirit fill me with wholeness, power and the fullness of God.

I ask that You would heal the cerebral cortex in my brain and those I have lifted up to you. I ask that You would fill any areas of deficiency with the fullness of Your Holy Spirit. Let the brain chemicals of seratonin, noradrenalin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine and all chemicals produced by the brain be correctly balanced. Let every deficiency be filled and every over secretion be reduced to just the right levels for each individual. Let there be no over production of cortisol. Let every amino acid neurotransmitter function with perfect wholeness and soundness as it is in Jesus Christ. Let every gene that carried defective or mutated DNA that would perpetuate weakness, compromised health, mental instability or that which carries the result of a curse be healed at the cellular level. Infuse every cell, every gene, every strand of DNA with the DNA and healing of Jesus Christ.

Let every curse be broken and sent back to the source, for You O God did not give us any DNA that would carry a curse. It came from the evil one, and as we submit to Your authority, we resist the devil and command him to take back everything that he has brought into our family.

I pray that any damage to the brain itself, the neurotransmitters, and the centers for impulse control in the cerebral cortex be healed now in Jesus name. Let there be light in every darkened area of the brain, emotions and in their spirit man. I declare the amino acid and peptide neurotransmitters be rewired to function in perfect health and send the proper amounts of chemicals to regulate impulse control, stress management, peace, pleasure and pain management in perfect balance. Let the acytlcholine functions be healed and restored to perfect health. Let the chemical agents and the communication messengers between brain cells function in perfect harmony, balance and soundness in every cell.

Let all things in the molecular structure that affect mood, anxiety, appetite, sleep, temperature, heart rate, self control, discernment, impulse control, aggression, fear, stress management and other physical and psychological appetites, desires and occurrences be healed and restored to the perfect wholeness that exists in Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit, let Your fullness fill our lack, for it is written the Lord is our Shepherd and we shall have no lack, according to Ps. 23:1. Let all areas that have been damaged, those areas that are genetically unsound, weak, impaired or afflicted be healed, for it is written, ""Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed," in Is. 53:4, 5.

Lord Jesus, You told us, Your disciples, to lay hands on the sick and they would recover, (Mark 16:18). You said in John 14:7 and again in John 14:16 that if we abide in You, we could ask whatever we desire in Your name and Your Father would do it, because it would bring glory to Your name. So I ask that those I have prayed for would be healed in the cellular, molecular level of their genes, in their DNA, and that anything that resides there that is not of Your placement, nor Your will for that person would be supernaturally removed, replaced with Your fullness and restored to perfect health right now, in Jesus name. Holy Spirit, please give me a revelation of my heavenly Father's love and acceptance so that perfect love will cast out all fear. Reveal my Father's heart towards me. Show me my truest identity as it is in Christ. Lead me to the salvation that is through Jesus Christ. I thank You and give You glory for the healing that is taking place now in Jesus name. Amen.