Prayer For Protection And Guidance

Our Father in Heaven,

We ask that you protect this church and every member within it. Whether we are together or far apart, Lord, keep Your healing hand upon us and guide us in Your ways. As we gather together each week, bless our services and lay Your mighty hands on our pastor, that he might bring Your words to our ears. Thank you, Lord, for all You have done for us. In Jesus' name,


Dear Father in Heaven, I come to You in my time of need, to beg for Your protection and Your guidance in my life. Please help me see Your hand in this situation and give me peace, even when I am unworthy. O Lord, I need Your protective shield over me and my family and I ask that you give me the sense of calmness as I follow Your path.


Precious Jesus, You know what it means to be pursued by earthly enemies. And because of Your compassion and understanding, You know the harm we and our families face every day. As Christians and followers of Yours, we will be marked as enemies. Our children need protection from bullies, from misguided avengers, and from false philosophies that attack their spiritual heritage. Fiendish plots pursue our children's hearts daily and try to entice them into harmful practices. Hold our loved ones tightly, Lord, and never let them go.

Command Your angels, Lord, to keep us in all our ways, so that no harm or disaster will come near to our home or our lives. Our trust is not in our ability but in Your stability as our El Shaddai. Our weapons of warfare are spiritual, and we look to You for victory. Show us when to speak up, when to listen, and when to act, always aware that You are fighting our battles for us and with us. Teach us to love our enemies, to pray for them, but to resist evil in Your powerful name. We don't fear those who might try to hurt us physically. We are confident in our eternal security. Our fear is a holy, righteous reverence based on Who You are and Whose we have become in You. As Commander and Chief, You will defend us from all earthly enemies. And as long as You are with us, we fear no evil. In Your name, Amen.

Almighty God, in you there is no darkness at all. Give us your eternal light. When we cannot see the way before us, may we continue to put our trust in you, that under your guidance and protection
we may be kept from falling this day, and finally, by your mercy, enter into our rest; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lord, I'm here today with open hands and an open heart, ready to depend on you to help me through the day, and all it will bring my way. Help me be like Nehemiah, help me come to you for guidance, strength, provision, and protection. As I face tough choices and hard situations, help me remember my belovedness, help me remember that I am Your child, and Your representative to the world around me. Help me live today in a way that brings honor to Your holy name. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Lord, I pray you would move the Spirit more boldly in my life. I know that any sin can grieve and diminish the voice of the Spirit, and I pray against the temptation to sin. Help me crave your presence more than I crave sin. Help me grow in the fruit of the Spirit and so walk closer with Yourself. I pray for guidance from your Spirit- let your will and promises always be a meditation of my heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen

O Lord, our redemption. Be our protection. Direct our minds by your gracious presence. Watch over our paths and guide us with your love through the hidden snares of life. Fix our hearts on you as we go forward, and following in faith, arrive at your goal; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lord, I'm here today with open hands and an open heart, ready to depend on you to help me through the day and all it will bring my way. Help me be like Nehemiah, help me come to you for guidance, strength, provision and protection. As I face tough choices and hard situations, help me remember my belovedness, help me remember that I am Your child and Your representative to the world around me. Help me live today in a way that brings honor to Your holy name. In Jesus' Name, Amen.