Prayer For Protection And Guidance At Work

Be beside me O Lord My advisor and my friend. Be behind me O Lord My protector and shield. Be beneath me O Lord My helper and strength. Be ahead of me O Lord My inspirer and guide. I am your servant O Lord May I be full of your love Each day. Amen.

O Lord God, listen favorably to our prayers, and with Your right
hand bless this car (other). Send Your holy Angels so that all who ride
in it may be delivered and guarded from every danger. And as You
granted faith and grace by Your apostle, Philip to the man from
Ethiopia who was sitting in his chariot and reading holy Scripture,
show the way of salvation to Your servants, so that helped by Your
grace and always intent on doing good works, they may after all the
trials of their pilgrimage and life on earth, attain everlasting joy,
through the blessings of our Holy Father. Amen.

O Lord God, listen favorably to our prayers and with Your
Divine Graces, bless these boats. Send Your holy angels so that all who
sail in them may be delivered and guarded from every danger to life or
limb and from all perils of the lakes, rivers and seas from sudden
storms and rocky shoals.
And, as You chose the fishermen, Peter, Andrew, James and
John to be Your first followers, so now we also ask their guidance and
protection, as well as that of Your Saints for all those who navigate
these vessels, especially their captains, crew, and passengers.
By Your guiding light, both day and night, may they, helped by
Your grace and pursuing good works, arrive safely at all ports of their
choices, and may they finish their pilgrimage and life on earth safely.