Prayer For Peace And Safety

May we love one another as you love us. With your guidance and strength, I plead for you to help us replace negative thoughts, action and words by reframing and rephrasing them. May we appreciate and recognize the daily acts of love and kindness that we experience and express our love for each other without fear. Help us heal our wounds, both physical and emotional, through your guidance and safety.
Grant us your peace, Amen

Please protect and pray for my family and for peace, love and protection from all that try to come against us, seen and unseen, forever. Give us strength, love, blessings, protection to stay together and love joy happiness wisdom good health, love and financial security physical health and love always. Amen

I am never alone, God is always with me.
As I pass through the deep waters,
He holds me in the palm of His hand, and I trust His protection guarantee. May peace is within me. Amen

Lord God, heavenly Father, you know that we are set in the midst of so many and great dangers, that by reason of the frailty of our nature we cannot always stand upright: Grant us such strength and protection, to support us in all danger, and carry us through all temptations; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Give them a steadfast faith and trust in You that puts their fears at rest, knowing they will live in safety with Your solid protection. Guard them from temptation and those who would try to make them compromise their convictions. When trouble comes, let them cry out to You, their Deliverer and Refuge. May their security rest not in this world, but in their relationship with You and in their eternal future. Impress on them daily that this world is not their final home, and that nothing and no one can ever separate them from Your love. In Jesus' precious name, Amen.

May Your right hand strengthen him daily as You guard him with your presence. Help him wear his spiritual armor well, as he tries to lead his family with integrity and honor. Seal up the exits that cry for escape when responsibilities grow heavy on his shoulders. Thank You that You promise to carry his burdens and lighten his load in the daily battles of life. Preserve his testimony and keep his faith rooted deeply in You, Lord. You are His Sure Defense, and You are the only One who can truly keep him safe. Thank You, Jesus.

The light of God surrounds us, The love of God enfolds us, The power of God protects us, The presence of God watches over us, Wherever we are, God is, And where God is, all is well. St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, Like unto the prophet Jonas, as a type of Christ, Who was guarded for three days and Three nights in the belly of a whale, Thus shall the Almighty God, As a Father, guard and protect me from all evil. Amen.

Grant, O Lord, Thy protection And in protection, strength And in strength, understanding And in understanding, knowledge And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice And in the knowledge of justice, the love of it And in the love of it, the love of all existences And in that love, the love of spirit and all creation. Amen.