Prayer For Pastor Wife

Lord, You made a man in Your image and called it very good. I ask You to open my eyes to see my husband through Your eyes, to see the good You placed in him.Give me words that affirm who he is in You and what he means to me. Help me be generous with words of praise so i can be a wife who brings my husband good all days of my life. In Jesus precious Name. Amen

Dear Lord, I pray against any temptation that would come to tear her down or to hold her in bondage. I pray against her marriage. May you send people to encourage her today and every day. Remind her daily of her value and the love you have for her. Reveal to her the purpose for why she is where she is. Bless her Lord. May your peace and joy abound in her heart. In Jesus Name. Amen

Blessed is the name of His glorious kingdom
Forever and ever.

Hear O Israel!And you shall love the Lord your God,
With all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your possessions.
And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart.

And you shall teach them to your children
And speak of them when you sit in your home,
When you walk up the way,
When you lie down and when you rise up.

And you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand
And they shall be Tefillin between your eyes.
And you shall write them
On the doorposts of your homes
And upon your gates. Amen

I pray that the ultimate cry of her heart will always be to honor Christ and that she will remain on the path to a long obedience in that direction even though she will fail and take a few steps backward at times.

I pray that every day will bring a deeper understanding of God's unfathomable, unconditional, unchanging love for her, and that she will not just know about it but truly believe it.

Lord, I pray for a husband who understands that he shouldn't sacrifice his family on the altar of ministry. Amen

Lord, I pray against doubt when her ministry is difficult and Satan tries to convince her this means she is making a mistake (as though God never calls his people into difficult situations) Amen

Dear Lord, Thank you for the position you have given to pastor's all around the world. Thank you for trusting them with your Word. Thank you for their wives, who support them, love them and serve them. I pray that you would strengthen their marriages everyday. I pray for the pastor's wife right now. May your Holy Spirit empower her to continue doing good. Bless her Lord. Keep her to do your will. In Jesus Name. Amen