Prayer For Pastor Search Committee

We pray for the financial health of our churches. Lord, Your Word assures us You'll meet all needs, we pray You meet and sustain not only the financial needs of our churches but also the needs of those we serve.

And finally, we pray for the members, the body of Christ. Although scattered, we pray for a greater cause for unity with the body, and may they long to be together corporately as one body. AMEN

We thank You, Lord, for the reports that online worship services and the preaching of Your Word are being listened to by a larger number of people than those who'd normally hear it during a typical church service.

Many have turned on a dime to revamp church programming. For some, they've embraced an online service for the first time while preaching to a camera in an empty room.

Yet through it all, these pastors and their staff remain faithful. Please give them the desire to seek You, giving them wisdom and energy. Grow their passion for their church and provide them with rest. amen

We lift pastors to You, Lord, Your shepherds for each local body. The majority, if not all, are working harder than ever before.

May it be reminded and revived to be what You've called it to be. May it continue to disciple, minister to those in need, and, most of all, may the gospel of good news spread as it did in those times of persecution.


Gracious accompanying God, the One in whom we live and move and have our being, give us a vision of the times of our lives, the new situations in which we live out our faith in Jesus. May we ask anew what it means to be the Church in our time, our place. And as we work to call a new pastor to our congregation, may we welcome according to your Spirit the one you are sending to us to lead us into the new days ahead. Amen.

We thank you for trusting our leadership. This is a task that we do not take
lightly. We know we are in need of supernatural discernment as we journey
through this process and are asking you to join us as we pray through this
season of preparing for our next pastor and his family. James 5:16 states,
The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. With this in
mind, we need to be right with God and come to Him with a clean
conscience so that our prayers are not hindered.
We are seeking God's will for Lower Creek Baptist Church. We covet your
prayers during this season of transition and change. For that reason we ask
that you utilize this prayer guide to cover the Pastor Search Committee, the
congregation, and the future pastor of our church. We want to build unity
and have clear knowledge of God's will for our future pastor. Amen

Pray for discipline for your search committee and other church leaders. The search process will require a great deal of follow-through on the parts of individuals. Amen

Gracious gifting God, we are reminded of your gifts in and for all the children of the church. Call on our gifts now, use us, in service of your whole church. As we work to call a new pastor to our congregation, may your Holy Spirit lead us to discern the gifts we seek and see those gifts clearly in the candidates you are sending to us. In our communications, interviews and meetings with them, may we find ourselves once again who we surely are in Christ Jesus, stewards of your many gifts. Amen.

Gracious sanctifying God, thank you for drawing us ever anew into the ministry of the Word. In the community of faith, we are empowered for witness and service even as we are ministered to with forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing. As we work to call a new pastor to our congregation, show us our neediness what we need and what needs doing for our life together in Christ. Amen.