Prayer For Passing Test

Dear God, I have got an exam and I am a bit frightened about exams because You cant talk to anyone.

I know that I can talk to You, but I am not supposed to say anything out loud. Please will You be with me in my heart and listen very carefully when I am talking to You in the exam, because I have to talk in my heart and not out loud.

Thank You for living in my heart. I love You, Lord Jesus.


Help me to do my best I pray, to answer the questions clearly and to express my thoughts lucidly. Calm my nerves I pray, and bring to my mind all that I have studied, so that I may be able to answer all the questions to the very best of my ability.

Thank You that You have promised to be with me in all things I ask that You stay very close in this exam. In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord, thank you that you are with me right now Your love surpasses all fear I give you the anxiety I feel I surrender all my worries to you Clear my mind Calm my heart Still my Spirit Relax my being That I may always glorify you In everything I write, speak and do. Amen

O Great St. Joseph of Cupertino who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favour in the test for which I am now preparing. In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked.
Through Christ our Lord.
St. Joseph of Cupertino, Pray for us.

My saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, you have brought me this far not because of my strength but only out of your love and compassion towards me. You qualified me when I was less qualified, you picked me when I was rejected by many. You have brought me this far and I know you will never give up on me. In a couple of days, I will be writing the final job test, help me Oh Lord.
Guide me, Jesus Christ to come out victorious. Let me not bring shame to you my God. You are the maker of all intellectual gifts, show me favour, guidance and most especially your compassion. My trust is in you Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Dear Lord, I pray, that I can pass the test. I pray that you will help me to overcome my Weaknesses Feelings. Give me Strength to achieve it! I Pray to Bless me always. I believe, that you are Great and Loving God. Who help always those people who really need you.For give my mistakes.

Dear Father in Heaven,

You have always been my redeemer and saviour. I seek your guidance and protection on both of my children. It's not our smartness that we sailed so far. Its your never ending mercy on us only. Lord, I am here with a big problem. My children are not scoring marks in the exams. They are always in the verge of failing. They work hard while preparing for their exams. But in the examination they are not able to perform well. They are forgetting and their answer papers are almost blank or writing incorrect answers. Miraculously they are just passing with the last grade. So admission to next class is always a challenge. Please Lord help them both with enough wisdom and kindly show mercy on them and remove any curses and spells on them.Let them both be able to tackle the exams well that they get good marks in the school and university exams and be selected in the best firms for employment.

Kindly help my both children with enough wisdom to face the future. Thank you Lord for all the blessing in our life. In Jesus Name I pray.


May my first thoughts be of Thee, O Light of Life, and may I dedicate all that I do these coming hours to Thy glory.

If my task be to study, may I do it without hesitation. If I face an examination, may I meet it with determination and goodwill.

As I cast off the hour(s) of sleep, and prepare for my responsibilities for the day, may I always remember that Thou art with me in the person of Thy Son, Jesus Christ.

As I awaken, quicken my mind, enlarge my heart, and grant me wisdom to do my best in all I do this day.

May I be a true steward of the time I have this day, and dedicate all that I do to the love and care of my Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.