Prayer For Parents That Lost A Child

I pray that they would be firmly established in the knowledge of you. I pray that they may be able to comprehend the depth of your love for them. Let that unfathomable love carry them through their darkest days.

Lord, I pray that the parents would be filled with pleasant and joyful memories of their child. May each day bring a brighter hope of the future. May they grow closer to you through this experience.

Let not their hearts turn bitter, angry or disillusioned. May they once again begin to trust. Bring them the divine comfort and assurance that can only come through your love.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray for the parent who have lost their child. I ask that you would fill them with a deep sense of your peace and grace. I ask that you would surround them with your love and hope.

Give them the strength to carry on and to know that they still have a purpose on this earth. Lord, I am asking that each day they would grow stronger in the knowledge of you and how great you truly are.
Lord, on their darkest days be their light. On their loneliest days, be their friend. On their saddest days be their joy. Grant them with hope to be strengthened with power to continue on. Amen

Lord, on their darkest days be their light. On their loneliest days, be their friend. On their saddest days be their joy. Grant _________ to be strengthened with power to continue on. I pray that they would be firmly established in the knowledge of you. I pray that they may be able to comprehend what is the breadth, width, height and depth of your love for them. Let that unfathomable love carry them through their darkest days. Amen

Dear Lord, I pray for ___________ who have lost their son/daughter. I ask that you would fill them with a deep sense of your peace and grace. I ask that you would surround them with your love and hope. Give them the strength to carry on and to know that they still have a purpose on this earth. Lord I am asking that each day they would grow stronger in the knowledge of you and how great you truly are. Amen

Dear Father, Your Spirit carries the softness of eternity. You are the fragrance of comfort, you are the enfolding lullaby. Please encircle my dear friend in her grief. Cocoon her within your arms of love, whisper heavenly truth into her soul and keep each fragment of her broken heart safe. When we are in pieces your presence will keep us. So I lay her in your strong arms Jesus. Come carry her. Watch steadily over her day and night. May she come to know that her beloved child is safe with you. Not lost but found, known and cherished. Amen.

Abba Father, We long to be with our dear beloved child, our hearts are heavy with deep sorrow and our breath is shallow. Please carry us, for we are overwhelmed by the pain of our grief. Words can not express the depth of our loss or the heartache we feel. We know you are with our dear beloved son (daughter), your heart is overjoyed by him. His breath is new life in Heaven. Please come and nurture our precious one. Thank you for the hope of eternal life that he has now received. Lord, you will keep him safe until we meet. We entrust him into your care now. Amen.

Dear God, I bring every grieving parent into your throne of grace. Lord, they are going through a lot of pain after the loss of their children. It is not an easy thing for a parent to bury their child. Father comfort them. Help them to continue being faithful to you even through the pain. Lavish them with your love and fill the void left in their hearts with your unconditional love. In Jesus' powerful name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I am crying to you in my trouble. Deliver me from my distress, for I am empty and lost. I don't know what to do or how to cope with life after the demise of my child. I loved my baby so much she was my world. Lord, give me the strength to go on and help me to take one step at a time as I come to terms with what has happened. Father, hold me and console me for it is only in you that I can find the strength to go on with life. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers. In Jesus' holy name, I believe and pray. Amen.