Prayer For Our Elders

Lord, we ask that you would be a source of comfort our elderly neighbors who find themselves living alone in a big city. Would you grant them an intimate awareness of Your presence, the knowledge that You go before them wherever they go, and so they are never truly alone.Amen

We pray for those who know their days are numbered, and for those whose strength is fading; we remember those whose later years are passing by those and who are weak, or in trouble or sorrow:
Lord, have pity on them,
fill them each morning with your love
that they may praise you and be glad.

Give them as much happiness as they have had sadness; let them see your strength, and your blessing upon those they love:
O Lord, bless them and prosper them;
in the name of Jesus our redeemer. Amen.

Lord, you have always been our refuge: before you created the hills, before you brought the world into being, you are God from all time - and you will be God for ever; a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday, already gone. We are like flowers that spring up in the morning, bloom in the afternoon and die in the evening:
Lord, you know our weakness and our sinfulness -
teach us how short our life is,
so that we may become wiser. Amen

Dear Lord, as we gather together in Your presence on one accord we pray with our hearts lifted that You will be present as we join together in this service. We pray that You will help us to follow Your will, direction and guidance, that we may stand together in your Holy Name. May the Lord bless and keep each Elder and cause His face to shine upon them, Amen.

Our Father, we give You thanks today. Father we commit every Elder into Your loving hands. As we enter into Your presence I pray that we will see Your glory and that we will be transformed by You God. I pray that all needs shall be met today in the Name of Jesus, according to the riches of His glory in Jesus Christ. May no individual leave here today the same, Amen.

"Gracious God, we ask you to bless especially your children who have grown old. When they can no longer care for themselves, send them loving caretakers who appreciate their wisdom and the richness of their experience. Send your angels to keep them safe as long as they live and to lead them home to you when their work is done. Bless the families of the elderly with insight and good judgment. Send your Holy Spirit to help them make wise decisions, and grant them the patience to care for those who once cared for them. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen"

Lord, You have been my faithful Friend through so much of my life. You guided me thorough my childhood and were there during those days of carefree youth. You were with me as I entered into the joys and woes of marriage and supported me through the frantic years of parenthood. And now in the twilight years of my life, I am so thankful that You are my precious Saviour Who loved me so much that You took the punishment on the cruel cross that I rightly deserved. How can I ever thank You enough, my Lord and my God.

Visit me I pray, in my advancing years, and nourish me as I turn each day to Your precious Word for my daily sustenance. I love You Lord, and although I long to be with You and see You face to face, while-ever there is breath in my body, may I be used as a channel through whom Your love flows out to others. Thank You, Father, that I may come boldly to Your throne of grace, in and through the wonderful name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,


Loving Lord, we bring before You all the elderly and infirm, not only those that we know, but all who are facing this stage of their life. Draw those that have never placed their trust in You into a saving relationship with Jesus, and give those that are of the household of faith Your peace that passes understanding in their heart, as they fulfil Your purpose for their lives, in whatever condition or situation they find themselves.

Give grace to those that find it difficult to come to terms with other people caring for them, knowing that Your grace is sufficient. And as they grow older, I pray that in Your love and mercy, You will draw each one into closer fellowship with Yourself. In Jesus' name I pray,
