Prayer For October

Lord God, may I not wait until I am afflicted and cannot use them to thank thee for my blessings. Guard me against infirmities that are brought on through indulgences, and help me to control my life. May I never forget that regret will not retrieve the life that is spent, even if it brings forgiveness and hope for the days to come. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray that I may not be so consistent in the small things of life that I will lose the great inspirations that come to the soul. Broaden my life, that I may have the freedom of heart and mind to pass over the failures and interruptions, and with vigorous energy continue in the progress of life. Amen.

Spirit of life, I pray that thou wilt continually live within me. May my days be spent neither in waste nor idleness, but planned to use, with the best that is given me. Amen.

This day, Father,
may my eyes be opened
to see the beauty
in all that is ordinary - yet special -
around me.
May the glory of all that you have made
remind me of your presence
and lead me closer to you.

O Lord God, grant us your Spirit, that we may comprehend your peace. As we pray, help us to recognize what must come from you alone, for you are mighty and holy and your will is peace on earth. Your will is peace beyond all understanding, your peace in heaven and on earth and under the earth, your peace that opposes all sin and death and takes away every evil that can be named. We await you, O Lord our God, and you will hear us. No matter how long the battle lasts, we hold out in patience, for we are your children. We shall never lose the faith that your name shall be honored and that all things shall come into harmony with your will of peace on earth, your peace. Amen.

Lord our God, we thank you for your gospel, the great, good tidings we may carry in our hearts to give us joy in this present time, even though on all sides people are in anguish and agony. We thank you that your gospel fills our hearts with compassion, enabling us to help carry what many have to suffer. Show us our need of you so that we can receive your help. If we must be the first to suffer all kinds of pain and distress, may we do so joyfully because we have been promised blessing in the midst of all the pain. May we continually honor your name, praising you for the good news of your kingdom, for the promise that everything must work together for good through Jesus Christ the Savior. Amen.

Go forth in peace, for you have followed the good road.
Go forth without fear, for God who created You has made you holy,
has always protected you, and loves you as a mother.


Dear Father, Your Word says that, He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise. We offer this special meal prayer, as we gather for the blessings of this special occasion (anniversary, special birth, christening etc). We ask that You Lord, will bless the food as we are about to eat, but help us to also reflect and think of those who do not have. Just as Your Word says; he who has food, let him give to him who has none. Lord let the food do good to our bodies, but also teach us to give with a willing heart, this we ask, Amen.