Prayer For New Work

Creator God,
thank you for providing us
with the gift to share our talents.

Provide our community, our nation, our world
the fortitude to provide work for all
which is decent and fair.

Make us faithful stewards
of your creation
to enhance the human dignity
of our global family.

We ask this in the name of Jesus,
who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit
now and forever.


Dear God,
I am preparing to start a new job and I ask for Your support and blessing as I move forward. Regardless of my judgments, thoughts, or past experiences, I am willing for this to be the most amazing job I've ever had. I accept the perfection of Your Divine plan exactly as it is unfolding before me. I'm eager to discover the gifts and treasures You have aligned for me. Thank You, in advance, that the people I work with are harmonious, supportive, helpful, and kind. Thank You for helping me to quickly adapt to my new environment and for ensuring that my contribution feels meaningful and valued. You are my Source, therefore I will always be generously rewarded and abundantly blessed. With Your guidance, I look forward to my new job and trust I will know what to do and how to do it with the greatest of ease and grace. Thy will be done. Amen

As we make our way,
often wearily, to work,
or hop into the car
and do the weekly shop,
we think of those
who through the night
while we were asleep
have stacked the shelves,
made safe the roads,
transported goods,
kept factories running,
cared for the sick and dying.
Bless them with the rest
that they deserve and need,
and may we be thankful
for the work they do
that makes our lives
each day a little easier.

For those struggling
on their journey, Lord,
offer your steady hand
over the rough terrain
they are facing today,
and let them drink
of your living water,
pure and refreshing,
soothing, restoring
the weariest of souls.

Father you are in control. I place my trust and faith in you. You have seen me through in times past and by your strong right hand, I will excel at this new chapter.

Just be with me as I go. What I am asking for myself, don't fail to grant this same blessing to another brother or sister who may be starting a new job today.

In Jesus Name,

Father, today is my first day at this new job. Help me oh lord to learn everything that is required of me effectively and speedily. Grant me favour with my colleagues and manager. Calm my nerves and fears, dear Father.

Dear Lord, this Monday morning, I pray that You give me strength to be strong for You, amid all the temptations of this world. You know that there are struggles that I will go through today.

I pray that You be with me as I go through them. With you at my side, nothing will be impossible. Carry me when I am too weak. Make me an overcomer. Fill me with your wisdom. In Jesus mighty and powerful name I pray, Amen.

Father, I request that Your Holy Presence draws near to me. Wrap me in Your loving arms and never let me go. Cover me under the precious blood of the lamb. Cleanse me of anything that is displeasing to You. Renew my mind, my body and my soul, as I worship You and You alone. Amen.