Prayer For New Office

Lord I want to thank you for opening doors that no man can shut. Lord I want to thank you for sending the right people across my path at the right time. Lord I want to thank you for your favor that is heavy over my life. Lord, by the power of your Holy Spirit, enable me to stay in faith while you move on my behalf. In Jesus' name Amen.

Heavenly Father, we declare that this will be a year of change. This will be a year in which we will place You in Your rightful place in our lives, so that everything will find its place and will be set in order.

We will trust in You and believe that You have the ultimate plan for us.

We will walk in love and unity and wait patiently on You Father, for You work all things together for good, for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.

Our hearts and lives will overflow with the abundance that will be manifested from this day.

Father, I Praise You with a new song and declare Your glory and great works among Your people. For everything under the sun, there is a plan and purpose. So I pray that the plans You have for those who call upon You will be manifested.

Loving God, I speak your grace, love and mercy into this place. Bless my job with meaning and purpose, productivity and usefulness, so that even my smallest task brings you honor. Thank you for the gifts you have given to me to do my job. I do not take them lightly, but commit to using them responsibly and well. Bless the others who work here with me. Make me grateful for their gifts and patient with their shortcomings. Like them, when I walk in the door, I bring my share of both. Lastly, I acknowledge your mysterious power over all that I will speak, think, do or decide here, when I open my heart to the power of your blessing. Amen.

Blessed are you, O God,
who have given us this space for our use!
Blessed are you, O God,
who have given us a variety of gifts for service!
Through the work of our hands
and the gift of this space,
you enhance our ability to bring wellness, healing and hope to all,
including the underserved.
Let us responsibly steward this space
and the variety of our gifts and talents
ever mindful of the humbling privilege that we bear:
bringing God's healing and hope
to our sisters and brothers in need.

Blessed are you, O God,
who have given us this space for our use!
Blessed are you, O God,
who have given us a variety of gifts for service!
Through the work of our hands
and the gift of this space,
you enhance our ability to bring wellness, healing and hope to all,
including the underserved.
Let us responsibly steward this space
and the variety of our gifts and talents
ever mindful of the humbling privilege that we bear:
bringing God's healing and hope
to our sisters and brothers in need.

God, our all-provident Father, | you have placed the earth and its fruits under our care, | so that by our labor we will endeavor | to ensure that all share in the benefits of your creation. | Bless all those who will use this building | either as buyers or sellers, | so that by respecting justice and charity | they will see themselves as working for the common good | and find joy in contributing to the progress of the earthly city. | We ask this through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

O God, | in your wise providence | you are glad to bless all human labor, | the work of our hands and of our minds. | Grant that all who plan and conduct business in this office | may, through your guidance and support, | come to right decisions and carry them out fairly. | We ask this through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.