Prayer For Newly Wed Couple

May they show one another only kindness, generosity, and patience, and in light of their own human frailties, offer the same heart towards themselves.
And in this spirit, may their joys know no decline, may they inspire confidence in one another, and may the beatitude they experience continue forever and ever, world without end.

Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 1 Cor. 7:5

Let us pray, then, for God's blessing to come upon this couple, our brother and sister: that as they await the day of their wedding, they will grow in mutual respect and in their love for one another; that through their companionship and prayer together they will prepare themselves rightly and chastely for marriage.

Blessed are you, O God of our ancestors, and blessed too is your name forever. Let the heavens bless you for evermore and all the things you have made. It was you who created Adam, you who created Eve his wife to be his help and support; and from these two the human race was born. It was you who said, It is not good for the man to be alone; let us make him a partner like himself.

Lord Jesus, to teach us to love one another, You became one of us, taking as a tabernacle the body of Mary. You said: "Be one in each other, even as I and the Father are one."

You have desired that [name] and I should live in You as with a single life, like two branches of a single vine, which Your providence has entwined. Let our love pass through You, that it may realize a perfect union, not only of our hearts but also of our souls, and that, growing from day to day, it may likewise increase our life in You.

Lord, in a world where the sanctity of marriage is becoming so unpopular, I pray that You would renew a deeper understanding and reverence for the true meaning of marriage, to all engaged couples. Bring each to a deeper understanding that Christ's love for the Church is a beautiful picture of what marriage for every Christian couple should be.

In this period of engagement, I pray that You would prepare each one for tremendous changes and challenges that their marriage will bring. Help them to overcome all the difficulties that will arise as they adapt their single status into a meaningful marriage partnership. May they grow closer together in love with each other and with You, day by day. In Jesus' name,


Loving Heavenly Father, we come to You together on this special occasion of our engagement, giving You our grateful thanks that You brought us together, in love. Keep us united in love to each other and to You, and help us to keep You in the rightful place in our hearts and in our lives.

King of Glory, thank you for enabling us to reach this stage of our relationship. We would not have done it without you, but because of your grace, we are engaged. Thank you for adopting us into your family and for the hope that you have set in us. Lord, there are a lot of things we have to do during this engagement period, and we pray for endurance. Help us to be patient with each other and other people as we plan our wedding. Help us to yield to your will individually and as a couple. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.