Prayer For New Drivers

Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant me
a steady hand and watchful eye,
that none be hurt as I pass by.
Thou givest life. I pray no act of mine
take away or mar that gift Divine.
Protect those, Lord, who travel with me
from highway dangers and all anxiety.
Teach me to use my car for others' needs
and never miss the beauty of Thy
world through excessive speed.
I pledge to drive with loving concern
to my every destination,
offering each travel hour to Thee
in a spirit of reparation.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
my auto Companion,
have mercy on me.

O Lord, Holy Father, omnipotent and eternal God, we give you thanks and we bless your holy name.

You created man and woman in your image and blessed their union so that each would be for the other a help and support.

Remember us today.

Protect us and grant that our love may be in the image of the devotion and love of Christ for his Church.

Grant us a long and fruitful life together, in joy and in peace, so that, through your Son and in the Holy Spirit, our hearts may always rise to you in praise and goods works.


Lord Jesus,

Grant that I and my spouse may have a true and understanding love for each other. Grant that we may both be filled with faith and trust.

Give us the grace to live with each other in peace and harmony.

May we always bear with one another's weaknesses and grow from each other's strengths.

Help us to forgive one another's failings and grant us patience, kindness, cheerfulness, and the spirit of placing the well-being of one another ahead of self.

May the love that brought us together grow and mature with each passing year. Bring us both ever closer to You through our love for each other.

Let our love grow to perfection.


Dear God, please may you grant me the courage to start driving very well. I have driven a number of times accompanied by my brother but I just want you to grant me the courage, serenity and take away any form of fear or nervousness that surrounds me when I drive.

From Monday the 2nd of September, I will be driving to work unaccompanied for the first time. Please dear Lord, be my guide, strength and companion. Please dear Lord, it is my wish that I am able to drive unaccompanied, so I can become independent and I can also help the family members or any other person who may be in need of driving.

Lord God, you have called your servant(s)
to ventures of which we cannot see the ending,
by paths as yet untrodden,
through perils unknown.
Give us faith to go out with good courage,
not knowing where we go,
but only knowing that your hand is leading us
and your love supporting us;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Lord, I am so excited about the opportunity to drive that I almost can't sit still. Thank you for my family and their love. Thank you for their support and affirmation; for their trust and willingness to entrust me with use of this/their car. Make me alert and attentive whenever I am driving. Remind me when I am tempted to take risks that there are consequences to my actions. Protect me and guide me along every mile I drive. I want to drive as a steward of the life you have given me. Amen.

Lord, in your mercy, please fill me with peace and comfort knowing that your protection surrounds my child. Help me to trust you in the way that Mary trusted you with her only son even as he hung on the cross to die for my sins. Teach me to turn my son over to you completely and joyfully so that he may do your will here on earth.


Lord, please send your Holy Spirit to guide him on this journey. Help him to make wise decisions and to keep alert to potential dangers. Prevent him from being distracted behind the wheel. If the time should come, Lord, when danger is near I ask that you take over and send your angels to safely deliver my son from danger.

And while you're at it Lord, please watch over all the other drivers on the road. Remove the distractions that cause accidents and dissolve the anger and irritability that turns to road rage.