Prayer For New Couples

Lord, teach us discernment. That we would be conscious of the needs of one another. Teach us to fulfil these to the best of our ability in words and in action. Teach is to be proactive in the way we love and show that we love one another. Open our eyes to each other's pain points. Show us where we offend unwittingly. Teach us to heal each other where we hurt. In Jesus' name. Amen

Dear Lord

We place our relationship into your capable hands. Let it not be by our own wisdom that anything we do is done. Open our eyes to see moments that we stray from your will. Give us the resolve to run back into your arms. May no desires fleshly or otherwise be placed above your will. In Jesus' name. Amen

Let us always be a support to one anothera friend to listen and encourage, a refuge from the storm, a companion to lean on, and, most importantly, a warrior in prayer.

Holy Spirit, guide us through the difficult moments of life and comfort us in our grief. May our lives together bring glory to you, our Savior, and testify of your love.

In the name of Jesus, we pray.


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this life together, for the gift of our love, and the blessing of our marriage. We give you praise and thanks for the joy you've poured into our hearts through this bond of love we share.

Thank you for the contentment of family, and the happiness of our home. May we always treasure the experience of loving each other in this holy union. Help us to remain forever committed to our vows, the promises we made to each other, and to you, Lord.

We need your strength daily, Lord, as we live together with the goal of following, serving, and honoring you. Develop within is us the character of your Son, Jesus, that we might love each other with the love he demonstratedwith patience, sacrifice, respect, understanding, honesty, forgiveness, and kindness.

Allow our love for each other to be an example to other couples. May others seek to imitate our commitment to marriage and our dedication to God. And may others be inspired as they see the blessings we enjoy because of our faithfulness in marriage.

Bless our relationship and draw us both even closer to You and to your will for our lives. May I never be unequally yoked. Lord, teach and guide us that we will always seek You first in everything we do. May our love be fill with genuine affection and may we honor each other at all times.

I pray that You continue to guide our footsteps and our lives as we walk in agreement, according to Your will. I trust that our new relationship is a blessing from You, O Lord and I pray that You guide us and show us what we need to know.

Heavenly Father, thank you that you are our creator, you know us better than anyone else. You brought us together and you have promised that you have plans and a purpose for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us. Remind us that you are the center of our relationship and that you are the one who watches over our future. May we look to you for wisdom and guidance. May your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

God of Unfailing Love, may we be filled with love for each other that reflects your love for us. Your love is patient, let us be patient with each other. Your love is kind, let us be kind to each other. Your love does not envy, let us not be envious of each other. Your love does not boast, may our relationship be built on humility. You love does not dishonor others, let us honor each other. Your love is not self-seeking, let us love each other with a selfless love. Help us to love each other well. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.