Prayer For Need Of Money

Father, we confess our financial challenges. In a society that lifts money up to such high importance, it's extremely hard to battle our mind's eye each day. Thank You for blessing us with money to spend, and help us to honor You with our choices. Forgive us for mindlessly buying things in dollar sections and store end-caps. Sometimes, there are things that we never knew we needed until the bright discount sticker catches our eye. Strengthen us in those moments to fight our impulses by yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit within us.

Lord, I've made financial mistakes. My debts are out of control. But Lord, I know you can open a way where there seems to be no way.

I pray for a financial breakthrough in my life right now! Grow my finances and bestow on me wisdom to manage Your blessings righteously.

Open my eyes today to job opportunities and profitable business ventures.

God, I admit that I've made many mistakes. I have an abundance of debt, and I do not know how I am going to overcome it without help from you. Please, God, I'm asking you to help Give me a financial miracle so that I can breathe again. Please forgive me, God. Help guide me to making good decisions through my journey in life. Amen.

Lord, I confess I've made mistakes.
I have accumulated too much debt, and
now I can not imagine overcoming it
without your help.

Please Lord, I beg of you to intercede
on my behalf. Provide me with the financial
means to be able to breathe again.

Please forgive my sins, Lord. Walk with
me and help me to make the right decisions
throughout my life.

In your name I pray, Amen

Heavenly Father,
I Come before you today to ask for
a financial blessing to improve my life.
My faith keeps me strong,
and I know you will provide for me
and the people I love.

I do not seek a large sum of money.
I do not trouble you for unneeded comforts
or luxury. I only ask for enough money
to relieve my financial woes and ease this stress.

Give me the means to do your work,
and spread your Love. I have so much
to give, if only I were allowed the chance.

In your name I pray, Amen

I faith that straight after I shoot across this email some one will come and give me 5,000.00 cash out of that money tenth will given for The Lord and rest will be use to buy family present and balance remaining will be sow for The Lord purpose as per man of God advise.

I learn to manage my finances wisely, seeking help where needed.

And finally, I ask you to help me understand my purpose in life and to act on that purpose with courage and strength. I know that prosperity will come, in part, by doing work I love. Please help me use my skills and knowledge to be of service in the world.

Thank you, God.


Dear God, I surrender my financial affairs and concerns about money to your Divine care and love.I ask that you remove my worries, anxieties, and fears about money, and replace them with faith. I know and trust that my debts will be paid and money will flow into my life. I have only to look to nature to see proof of the abundance you provide. I release all negative thoughts about money, and know that prosperity is my true state. I commit to being grateful for all that I now have in my life.