Prayer For My Sick Son

Lord father pray for my son heal his health and make him healthy again. Give this child the health, wisdom and strength and guide him how to protect and cure, heal your child. In you holy name amen.

Dear FATHER GOD, I come in JESUS name, I lift up to you our son, he's not feeling well. FATHER GOD give me the knowledge, wisdom, insight and foresight that I need to do my part for his healing. Please FATHER GOD heal him, he's actually your son, your creation. Heal his infirmities, his upper respiratory health issues. I declare by the power and authority that you have given to me as his mother, I loose and bind up all sickness, disease, germ, virus that is touching his body dies instantly NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! Heal him to be healed whole and complete. I ask, I claim and I believe that he is IN JESUS CHRIST name AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!

.I wish for a magic pill which could cure all your disease in a fraction of second. I pray for your good health all the time. I wish for your quick recovery, my love.

Sickness does not last forever. Have patience and faith in God and you will recover soon.

Unlike satan who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus came to give life in abundance. Therefore, I command every illness to disappear, and your body begins to respond to eternal life from now on.

I pray for a deep cleansing in your body system, with all contrary elements and substances wiped away by the ever-potent blood of Jesus. You are sanctified in and out, receive your healing in Jesus name.

Lord God,
Thank you for always being there for us and loving us. We praise you Lord and we believe in you.

Sorry for all our sins.Please heal my son's fever for he is suffering and didn't want to skip his final exam. Please help him to regain his strength and be back on his good health.

Thank you Lord God. Amen.

Help me dear lord give me strenth to be a good mother and wife!Forgive me for my sins each day.I thank you for all youve done for us!Heal my son,from his ear infection and give him strenth dear god!protect my children always lord! Amen!!