Prayer For My Relationship With My Husband

Jesus please heal my husband, unite us and deliver my partner from all evil.

Please remove all spiritual blindness and heal all wounds.

I pray the Holy Spirit makes us meek and humble at heart and creates a hunger for an intimate relationship with God.

Father, I need You to help me to know what to say that will build __________ up rather than tear down or hurt. Please make me aware, by Your divine power, of __________'s needs so I can respond in a way that benefits him/her. Help me to run to You when frustrations and anger bubble up, and may You ease my emotions and send me back with grace on my lips. Help me to be bold when issues need addressing, but gentle and loving in the way I address them.

Lord, help us to forgive each other the way you have forgiven us. Remove pride and arrogance from our hearts and help us to walk with humility as partners. Teach us how to be gracious towards each other, especially when we are disappointed by what our partner has done. Help us to truly understand each other. Soften our hearts that we may be quick to forgive and not hold grudges against each other. Give us the patience to stay calm and be slow to anger. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, you are our God. You brought my partner and me together. That is why I boldly come before your throne of grace today, Lord, asking you to heal our relationship. There has been so much hurt between my partner and me, caused by arguments, pride, and the schemes of the enemy. Lord, heal our hearts and minds. Help us to see ourselves as being on the same side, and not against each other. Wash away any bitterness that is in our hearts with the blood of your Son, Jesus. Restore our relationship and make us fall deeply in love again with each other. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Father, protect my husband in all the ways he walks; watch over his coming and going (Ps.121:8) guiding him away from any harmful situations. Protect him from traveling accidents, work accidents, sicknesses, debilitating diseases of the body or mind. Protect him from violence and the people who do it. I stand in the gap on behalf of my husband, (Ez.22:30-31) asking that You place your mighty hand of protection around him in every way he goes.

Oh GOD in the name of Jesus i pray that my husband will come home as soon as the blood of Jesus. Please protect him where ever he was .Let your love fill him, take away all his negative thoughts ,anger, and hatred against me, that he.may he forgive me with my bad habbits that causes him to go away Please LORD restore our relationships anew with YOUR unfailing love to us. i believe Lord that YOU will answer my prayer in the migthy name of JESUS,AMEN AND AMEN!

I lift up all that are in a marriage relationship, and pray that You would strengthen the bond of love and unity between them, so that their relationship may become stronger with each passing year. May forgiveness and grace, forbearance and peace become flowers in their heart that blossoms into the fruit of the Spirit in their lives, and may each husband and wife consider the needs of the other before they consider their own.

Establish I pray, healthy marriage relationships, which are grounded on biblical principles, where the Lord Jesus is the focus of their lives and the bedrock upon which their marriage is secured. May broken hearts and broken families be reunited in the love of Jesus, and may their children rise up and call their parents blessed as they see their parents honouring their Saviour, Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name,


Father God, I come to You in earnest pray asking that You would bring my future life-partner and help-meet into my life. Father, Your Word says that it is not good for a man or a woman to be alone and I ask that in Your grace You would provide me with the person Whom You have chosen to become my special life-partner and friend.