Prayer For My Life To Get Better

Dear Father, I rejoice in the change that is taking place in my life. I know that it is only by Your grace and mercy towards me because You are not slow to fulfill Your promise to me as some count slowness, but You have been patient towards me, not wishing that I should perish, but that I should reach repentance. I thank You for the spiritual change that is working within me, Lord, thank You for the spiritual growth that has occurred in my life, Amen.

Holy One, I declare change in my life because I do not want to remain stagnant in my relationship with You and in my earthly position in my ministry. I pray against any fears that prevent me from embracing change because I know that You have commanded me to be strong and courageous. I will not be afraid; I will not be discouraged, for You, my God, will be with me as I experience the various transitions of life, Amen.

Dear Lord,
So far today, I have lived life as You commanded. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, lied or cursed. I have not been greedy, grumpy, selfish, lazy, lustful or over-indulgent. I have not snapped at my loved ones or told off a neighbor. I have not been envious or let jealousy guide my tongue or my actions.
In a few minutes, however, I'm going to get out of bed. From then on, I'm probably going to need a lot of Your help.

Lord Jesus, give me the strength to stick it out over the long haulnot the grim strength of gritting my teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes me strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for me. Jesus, give me strength in my weakness. Amen.

The pressures of life sometimes push me into a corner, rendering me helpless to move forward. A hundred voices call my name, and I feel paralyzed at times to answer, not knowing where to turn. Lord, help me not to quit, to keep running the race faithfully, and to find strength in that safe, secret place of yours, under the shadow of the Almighty.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.

Heavenly Father, I look up to you in this time of change. Allow me to have the courage to change my life for the better. Allow all my burdens to be risen up to you as I know that You will see me through. Forgive those who have done evil and allow me to do the same. Teach me to love with an open heart and open spirit. Take time for me today to help with all the trials you have set out for me and allow me the strength and energy to follow you. Give me the blessings to find a new home, keep my family together, and bless those who are away, may they be strong and know how much love is out there. Let them know you and I are thinking of them and missing them dearly. Bless me with love, strength, wisdom, health, courage, forgiveness, and a willingness to learn.

Dear God, please lead me by your Holy Spirit to see any areas of immaturity in my life that I need to resolve. Help me to find the help I need to overcome any such issues. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen.