Prayer For My Love

I'm so blessed to have someone like you in my life. This message comes with many loving thoughts and warm wishes. May your day be filled with laughter.

May God bless you today, and each day that follows. May you hear His voice, follow His steps, be comforted by His care, and live in His grace. Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray for strength and courage for my love. I pray that he continues to have the willpower and divine ability to take on the world and withstand the wiles of the evil the enemy and the evil ones. He shall not fall prey to the devices of the devil and darkness shall not have hold over his life. I pray that you continue to keep him in sound mind, strength and wellness of the soul. Please keep his heart from straying away from and let him continually have his eyes on your purpose for him and his desires.

I pray that whatever will hinder you from attaining greater height will never come your way and may the good God speak for your where you are not present My sunshine.

Every bad omen in your life will be swept away without a trace. May God open a new door for you and whatever that will give you sadness will never come your way My Jewel.

As you step out today I pray you experience God's miracle in everything you lay your hands upon. May you see favor in everything you place your hands today. You are blessed My king.

Father, this life is akin to a journey. All-day we meander through deep valleys and high hills. We are constantly seeking Your face and trying to deduce Your will. In Your great wisdom, You have provided us with Your will in Your holy word. Lord, teach us to seek Your voice in the pages of scripture. Keep us from being blown around by every posture and position of the world. Instead, keep us steadfast on the right path, where Your will is manifest in our life. Amen.

God, thank you for my girls and for the relationships you've given them. Lord help them to be attracted to good friendships that will help them to deepen their relationship with You. Protect them from friendships that may steer them in the wrong direction or lead them down a bad path. Keep them safe wherever they go. Lord, help me teach them to be good friends and good stewards over their relationships. Let them always be kind and humble, preferring others over themselves. God I pray that they would be comfortable in who You've created them to be. That they would never feel like they need to perform for others or be someone they are not in order to gain friendships. Let Your light shine through them as they walk closely with You. In Jesus' name, Amen.