Prayer For My Husband Addicted To Drugs

God of Mercy and Miracles,

I cry out for my husband.

I cry out for this addiction to be removed from his life.
I pray for his freedom.

I ask you, Lord, to help us.

Speak to his mind. Pour in your truth.

Strengthen his resolve. Increase his motivation to stand against this addiction. Pour your Overcoming POWER into him.

Take away his desires for __________.

Lord, come and change his life.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Oh Jesus, my great Healer, how excellent is Your name in all the earth. You have set Your glory above the heavens. Your miracles are celebrated throughout the world, and Your holy name is universal. Lord, I ask You to cure my addicted husband. Just like You made the lame walk and the blind see, please work a miracle in my addict husband to cure him of his illness. I believe in You, as my God, even without the proof of miracles. I have no doubt in Your power and supremacy. No outcome can take away from Your glory. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

All-powerful God, it is not Your desire that we fall into temptation, because we know that temptation does not come from You. God, You know of my husband's struggle with temptation. You know he is battling addiction. I know that Satan has taken hold of my husband and has blinded him. Just as You caused the blind to see, please open my husband's eyes to his sins and that path You want him to take in his life. I know from Scripture that You will do Your work in Your own way, on Your own time. I am so desperate for my husband's healing, Lord, that I need Your help to calm my nerves and be at peace with whatever is Your will for my husband's life. His life is in Your holy hands. Amen.

Lord, the Great Physician, I know that You are omniscient and You see the strongholds concerning my husband and his addiction. But Your Word says that before You formed him in the womb, You knew him. Lord, You know the plans You have for him, plans to goodness and not harm, plans for hope and a future. Lord, I pray that You would heal your child. Restore him to full health so that he may be an example of the glory of Your workmanship. Renew in him the strength to be sober throughout life's challenges and face the realities of this world. I believe by faith. Amen.

God of creation, I thank You for this marriage, which I know has been blessed by You. I thank You for giving me someone to share my life with, joining us in holy matrimony to become one. Oh Lord, I pray for my addicted husband. I ask that You rescue him from his demons. Please heal and deliver him from destruction. Heal him and make him a new person who does Your will for his life. Fill him with Your Holy Spirit so that he is a changed man. Amen.

Heavenly Father, You are able to do abundantly more than I could ever ask or think. I know addiction is not of You, and my husband is trapped by it. Please come into his heart and heal him. Heal his mind, body and spirit. Make his mind strong so that he can fight off the urges, his body strong so he can overcome the physical cravings, and his spirit strong so that he has a deep desire to become and stay clean. Mend our broken marriage because substances have no place in our lives, now or in the future. Lord, I thank You in advance for saving my husband and our marriage. Amen.

Jesus, my Savior, I know You said that we must not be anxious for anything, but in prayer we are to make our requests to You. Lord, today I am requesting that You bless my husband who is suffering from addiction. He needs to take the first step to stop his substance abuse, but I don't know the words to say to tell him that he needs help. Guide my words and open his heart so that he and I can talk about this problem and work together to overcome it. Transform his life by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Almighty God, You said that a prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well. God, I am praying to You in faith. I trust in You and am confident in Your power to heal my husband from the disease of addiction. I know that You will restore him to health and cure him of his unhealthy desires. I firmly believe that You will answer my prayer and raise him up out of his sickness. I have seen the glory of Your power, and know You will do it again. In Jesus' holy name, I pray. Amen.