Prayer For My Husband And Family

God, You have provided Your Word and I am so grateful. May Your Word guide my husband as the leader of our home. May his leadership skills be empowered by your wisdom. I trust that You will lead in his hand and heart in our relationship, his work, our home, community and church.

Father, I praise You for my husband, Your unique creation. Please guard his heart and mind, Jesus. Protect him from temptation and fill him up with the good things he needs. You've promised to fill his soul with what he needs and I ask You to do just that.

Father God, I thank you for the authority given me in the name of Jesus, and with this authority I command the enemy to flee from my family. I declare strongholds broken. No longer will my children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren be slaves to sin. Satan has no power over my husband. He has no power over my mother. He has no power over my father. Where there was once bickering and backstabbing, there will be peace. Where there was once resentment and anger, there will be forgiveness. Where there was once violence and corruption, there will be honesty and righteousness. I stand with my family and for my family. I say no more, Satan. It stops today! In Jesus' mighty name, I believe, Amen.

Father God, it is my heart's desire to be a godly wife. To be the wife you have designed me to be. Quiet me and temper me, Lord, so that I will allow my husband to lead me and encourage me. May I model respect for him for our children. May I build him up according to your principles. Make me aware of any trick the enemy would use to divide us. United in marriage we will stand in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Thank you, Father, for my husband. Establish him as the head of this house. Rise up in him, Holy Spirit. Plant the spirit of leadership in him. Bring forth courage and a warrior attitude, so he can stand against the attacks of the enemy. May he rely on you and put his trust in you. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Thank you, God, for the gift of motherhood. What a joy and a blessing my children are to me! But I cannot do it without you. Partner with me, Lord. Help me to lead with your example. Help me to speak your words of love, of kindness, of forgiveness, and correction. Holy Spirit, work through me when I don't know what to do, when I don't know what to say, when I don't have the answers. Teach me to discipline my children and to set boundaries. Be my courage, Father, when the testing and the pushing comes. Be my fortress. I trust my parenting to you in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Father, thank you for my family. Thank you for the laughter, the learning, the tears, and the triumphs that fill this home. It is my desire that my family would seek you, Lord. Jesus, I invite you into this house. Teach us. Root us in your word. We belong to you, God. May we honor you with our actions and our words. May we build each other up according to your principles. May we extend forgiveness when there is hurt. May we glorify you in our victories! In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.


I come to you for my husband. Thank you for giving me this wonderful man. He is what I always wanted and need in a husband and father to our children. He makes me want to keep my vows I took: to love, honor and obey! I pray he feels my love for him each and every day.

Lord, he has so much on his shoulders in taking care of our family and right now I know the finances and direction for our lives are a huge burden to him. Please let him feel your presence in his life. Help him feel and know your guidance for what you want in our lives our family. I know he is tired and feels weak at times please give him your strength again. Lord I lift this man my David up to you.

Our girls are the most precious gift you have ever given us Lord. I thank you with all that I have and all that I am for each of them. They have such sweet hearts and show love so beautifully that it brings tears to my eyes. I am so honored to be their Mother and watch them grow and find the gifts you have given them.

I pray that each of our daughters grows to be a strong woman for you. That through them the world will see Your love for Your children. I pray that they will find the path you have for them and joyfully walk it each and every day. I pray that you are watching over the boys that will become the men that they marry one day. Keep them close to you Lord.

Father, I thank you for all the wonderful blessings you have given to me: my husband, our children and the honor of homeschooling them. You have given me so much more than I deserve Lord and I pray that you remind me of this when I start to forget. I long to be closer to You and walk with you talk with you. Please show me my strengths and my weakness and help you to choose to follow my strengths and strengthen my weaknesses. Please guard my heart, my mind and my mouth, Lord. Help me to glorify you in all that I do and say so that I only bring praise to your name. Give me strength to support my husband and our family to be the woman YOU want me to be!

Lord, I love you and thank you for being a God who loves and cares for me before I was even born!
