Prayer For My Ex Husband


I ask you to heal my wounded heart. I surrender all the broken pieces to you for healing. Don't allow me to let bitterness live here. Help me remember that I have a beautiful purpose for my life living for you. My loving family, children and friends are more than I could ask for and let their love embrace me during this difficult time. I don't understand how this is happening, but I believe that you are working through me and have a plan for my life. Help me to see your diving purpose in all of this. Let my heart be filled with your purpose. Help me to never speak negatively about my spouse, and instead be filled with peace and serenity. This won't come quickly, but with your help my heart will be whole again. I believe in that and I believe in You. You gave your Son for me, I will give you my trust and heart.

In Jesus' Name We Pray,


Heavenly Father,

I cry out to you today filled with sorrow and despair. Please return my family back together. I am lost that they walked out on our family. Please help me in repairing my marriage. I am open to change. I pray for help to see my faults and shortcomings. Help me become a healer for our family and bring peace and serenity back into our home. Give me the power of the Holy Spirit to change positively each day. I wish to grow and flourish in my marriage and beg for its reconciliation. Lead me to what you think is right. I will trust in your to change me and teach me. God, I believe in forgiveness and my family.


Holy Father,

I do not understand why he left our family. We feel abandoned and unwanted. I know, though, that something strong and evil is residing in him. Because of that, please keep the enemy away from my spouse. Even with the terrible choices he is making, I know he can be restored and come back to you Lord. Please do not give up on him. Evil and darkness is plaguing his mind. Please keep him healthy, strong, and watch over him during this tragic time. I know he has made mistakes but I would like no harm to come to my family. Despite my feelings of anger and resentment, I want to show love and ask that you protect his wellbeing. All of this is happening for a reason, and I will continue to work to show love and understanding as you would want me to.



The children are confused, scared and miss their Father. They wonder where he has gone and why he isn't tucking them in at night. They are asking me the toughest questions and I am having a hard time finding the best way to answer them. I do not want them to feel abandoned, unloved or unwanted. I do not want them to think this is their fault. I ask you tonight to give me guidance. I ask that you cradle them in your arms during this difficult time. Please anoint them with strength and remind them that your love conquers all. Fill them up with the light of your son Jesus Christ.


Lord, I understand that I was under so much pressure at the time , I pushed my husband away. He wanted to marry me again, I had a terrible attitude, that pushed him away from me. I still love him and desire to be with him every day. He knows that I love him, but he recently told me, that he has moved on. I went to visit him, and he stills cares about me, I feel that things are not over between us ,and he's only using that relationship in to get over me, because I hurt him so many times. I pray that God restore our love for each other, and bind us back together in heaven, and on earth; according to MATTHEW 14:19, and loose him free of that woman or anything, that keeps us from together again as husband and wife.

Dear Lord,
Please pray with me and guide my ex husband back to my life. I still love him and I know he loves me. He made bad mistakes with women in his life. Get these demons and evil women and people away from him. Lead him only to my arms, my life and our kids life. Make us stronger than ever. Open his heart, eyes, body and soul to only me his ex wife. I am his ex but not by choice. He did not leave me no choice. It can work if we both try hard. AMEN

Dear lord, i have repented and read the bible, i read 1 cor 7. it has shown me that in God's kingdom, i cant marry another man, atleast i have to reconcille with my ex.

I still love him so much and our kids also want us to get back together. the propblem is that he is now engaged to someone else of which i know is still not good according to the bible.

May you the all mighty help separate this man from this lady and cancell the engagement so that he comes back to me in Jesus name. I am praying this for my kids and our family.

I know he hurt me and i failed to forgive him and i also went stray which was not good in God's eyes. Dear lord i did that because i did not have Jesus in my life.

Dear God can you please help him realise that this lady is misleading him as he is not taking good care of his parents and kids now. he is spending so much money on this lady.

Dear lord i pray that he comes to his senses and follow the right direction by coming back tome. I promise to be a good wife and i wont leave God out of my marriage this time.

In Jesus name i pray,

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are a good generous faithful God. I hand over my previous marriage, my children, my home and homeland, my career i had; and all i had and lay it at the cross right now. I pray for blessings over my children and ex-husband; that all the hurt between and done to each other will be forgiven forgotten Father God, that this will be used for good of enriching our lives. I pray down the mountain that comes between us and me and our children right now dear Christ, that my children's eyes and minds will he opened to truth and they will return to me; their mother ; right now Father! I thank you Heavenly Father that you have heard my prayer and i publicly declare my trust hope faith in you now to fix the issues that you know of, and others not stated here. I pray forgiveness in my part of the divorce, for all reasons i persued it and for the double hurt i have endured due to this, thus i pray all mighty Lord that the hurt will NOW cease and Satan be returned where he belongs and NO further hurt to me, my reputation, my mind mental health and physical health due to stress from my ex husband and his new wife but blessings will shower us both & in our new marriages. Forgive us for re-marrying dear Lord, but may you use us for your kingdom and be a witness of encouragement for your other children facing same issues and that your name will be blessed and praised also. I have believed in you since i was in 2nd grade when i gave my life to you, im sorry for not staying in the right path throughout the past 15years, i ask for personal blessings now and increase in abundance of my career and career prospects and business success, now be mine for your glory and to bring your name Glory and praise. May you return me to my homeland/town where i belong dear Father God and so i can go to teach your word like i did many years ago. Praise and glory to your name, i thank you for answered prayer dear Father; Amen.