Prayer For My Deceased Mother

Father of Compassion, hear my prayer and provide comfort to me during this time of shock and grief. My mother was your child, you knew her from birth and she died in your loving arms. Help me to trust in the name of Jesus who conquered Satan, sin and death. Help me to live a life of faith with my hope set in your eternal life. Help me to focus on your blessings during this time of loss. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in your sight O Lord. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Creator and Sustainer, my God, thank you that you made the universe and all it contains. We are all made in your image and reflect your attributes. I praise you for the way that my mother demonstrated your love throughout her life. You have promised your children an inheritance of eternal life. I thank you that my mother is now safe in your presence. Fill me with your spirit in my time of need. Blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving, honor, power and strength, be unto you my God forever and ever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Compassionate Father, thank you that you remain the same yesterday, today and forever. As I mourn the loss of my mother, may I find reassurance that she now abides with you. As I experience this unexpected change, may I be strengthened in your unchanging love. You held my mother close and you continue to draw near to me. May my eyes be fixed on the cross, that my gaze would be fixed on the light of your glory through the darkness of this situation. In life and in death, you are Lord of all. To you alone belongs all glory and praise. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Dear Lord, relying on your promises to us, I turn to you in trust that my mother is with you and that she is enjoying your loving embrace. You alone know how she loved the best she could and how she faithfully endured the struggles that she faced. You know the graces you gave her and you know the grace she was for me and for so many. For all the ways she truly loved the way you loved her, please reward her, Lord. May she enjoy the communion of all her family and friends who are with you.

Lord, I know my mother still loves us who are still here on earth. I ask you that you might listen to her fervent prayers for us. Help me to grow into a new and deeper relationship with my mother now, as I long for the day when we will both meet in your embrace - freed from all that might have hindered our relationship on earth, knowing and understanding everything we did not know or understand on this earth.


We thank You Lord for the passing of our mother. We exalt Your name for the good life she lived. We pray oh Lord, that everlasting life be given unto him or her. And as he or she abides in Your garden, let Your angels touch what he/she cannot touch again. Father, be with his/her soul and may he/she rest in perfect eternal peace. Amen

O God, who hast commanded us to honor our father and our mother; in Thy mercy have pity on the soul of my mother, and forgive her her trespasses; and make me to see her again in the joy of everlasting brightness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Have compassion in thy mercy, on the souls of my father and mother; forgive them their sins, and grant that I may see them in the joy of eternal brightness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

We beseech thee, O Lord, in thy mercy, to have pity on the soul of thy handmaid; do thou, who hast freed her from the perils of this mortal life, restore to her the portion of everlasting salvation. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.