Prayer For My Dog

Merciful Lord, touch (pet's name) with Your gentle hand of healing and comfort. We pray that You would supernaturally deliver her of her symptoms of (health issue) and healing the underlying cause (health issue). We also pray that You would use veterinarians, medicines, and natural means to bring her once more to good health. Grant us wisdom and compassion as we care for her as Your stewards. In Jesus' name.

Lord, my Great Healer, it is not those who are well who need a physician, but the sick. For You came to heal the broken. Because You love all creatures, You do not limit Your mercy to only people, but animals as well. You are a great physician. Take heed, Lord, for my dog is sick. Therefore, heal him/her by Your mighty word. Banish all wicked spirits that administer sickness and bring him swiftly back to health. Amen.

Most Loving God, I turn to You out of desperation. My beloved dog is in intense pain, and I cannot do anything about it. Day in, and day out, I must witness his/her agony. Lord, take this pain away from him/her. Give me the strength to do whatever is necessary to bring humane relief to them. Give me sound advice from veterinarians and counselors who can help me discern the next steps. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen.

Compassionate Father, You spoke by Your prophets of the salvation of the entire world. Your aim was not just man, but for the whole world to be glorified. You describe the lion and lamb lying down together in peace. Lord, I pray You would manifest this peace here and now. Heal my dog who has fallen ill and has shown no signs of wellness. Bring Your redemptive plan to act for him/her right now. Give us a glimpse of this eternal healing, that glory might be brought to Your name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, You have appointed a time for every living thing to be born and a time for every living thing to die. If this is the time for (pet's name) life to end here on earth, we pray You grant us the wisdom to recognize it and the grace to accept it. We place her life into Your hands, trusting in Your eternal mercy to grant her a peaceful end here and a gracious entrance into Your heavenly garden. In Jesus' name.

Lord, my Refuge, when You looked upon the wickedness of creation, You deemed that the creatures were to be saved along with Noah and his family. In this, You showed Your love and care for all creatures. I pray that You would look upon my dog with this same mercy. He/she is very sick and may not survive. Lord, I pray that You bring swift help. Purge him/her of the affliction they are experiencing. Bring my family and I peace and comfort during this time, that we might be well equipped to do what is necessary. Amen.

Jesus, it seems this is the time for (pet's name) to leave this world and to enter Your heavenly garden. Mercifully remove all suffering. Make the transition to death swift and full of Your peace. Usher her into Your heavenly kingdom gently and graciously. We thank You for giving her to us to share our pilgrimage here, and we look forward to being reunited with her there. (pet's name), we love you, and we release you into your Creator's eternal hand. Go in peace.

O Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, Physician of all living things, who through thy love and compassion doth heal all manner of sickness and affliction: do thou O Lord visit this pet (pet's name) of his (her) suffering and heal him (her) of every sickness and affliction. Also grant to me patience and acceptance of whatever you may deem worthy for this humble pet. Be with my pet in this time of need and help him (her) to be comforted by our care and love.