Prayer For My Daughter In Trouble

Lord, I know you work all together for the good of those who love you. She once loved you. Return her to you. Go to find the lost sheep. Bring her back before the ravages of the world ruin her. Enable her to be more than a conqueror thru Jesus Christ. Nothing can separate her from the love of Christ.

Lord, lead her to renew her mind, to reject patterns of this world. I pray so she might once again know your good and perfect will.

Make her hate what is evil and cling to what is good. Send her friends and a husband to be devoted to each other in your love, the kind of sincere love that helps people become better demanding time, money, and personal involvement.

Lord, help her to grow into a successful, loved, strong, wise woman capable of being the wife of a good man and mother of children that honor her and you.

Train her, call her, shape her to a desire for the fruit of your spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Lord, watch over her. Be the shade at her right hand so the sun will not harm her by day nor the moon at night. Lord, keep her from all harm. Watch over her life, her comings and goings now and forever.

Psalm 191 Prayer

Lord, save her. She is yours. She once sought you. The wicked wait to destroy her. Lead her back to your way. To all perfection is a limit, but your commands are boundless.

Bring her from vice to virtue. I pray that you would lead her to humility and a desire to be a woman of character, obedient, selfless, truthful, kind, diligent, morally upright.

Oh, God, let her not be wise in her own eyes but fear you and shun evil. Make sin like stones or soured

Oh, God, let her not be wise in her own eyes but fear you and shun evil. Make sin like stones or soured milk in her stomach. Guide her toward understanding, leaning on you, trusting your Word so her path would be straight.

Reveal yourself to her. I know you have a good, Christ-following man for her. God, I beg you, preserve her for him. Make her ready. Don't let her falter and miss him.

May she trust in you alone. For you mock proud mockers but give grace to humble

Dear Lord, she was fearfully and wonderfully made, woven together by you in the depths of the earth. You knew her in my womb. You designed her perfectly down to the last hair on her head. Bring awareness to her heart and mind of how valuable she is to you so she might value herself.

Search my heart and anxious thoughts. Enable me to trust you to care for her and bring her back.Remind her of your word that separates bone from marrow. Let it sink into her very being, penetrating her mind and soul.

Lord, you are the God in heaven. We stand in your presence and cry out in distress. You will hear and save our daughter. But the enemy has her. We don't know what to do. We don't want to live in fear or lose courage. The battle is yours not ours. Go before us.

We ask that you protect her mind from lies. Relight her intellectual curiosity and desire to be honest. Open her eyes to truth about herself and others. Show her how to value herself, our country, and other people in a real way. Help her to see that she's being taken by wolves in sheep's clothing to steal the good future you have planned for her.

Dear Lord, I know you love her more than me, but I'm scared for her. Please give her a sense of your love and who you are. Use the Holy Spirit to convict her with a pierced conscience or even some physical discomfort with sin choices. Place Christian mentors in her path. Keep angels on duty protecting her from lasting harm.

Give her eyes that see, ears that hear, and a humble heart inclined toward you. Let her know the gravity of what you did for us and yearn to serve and worship you as Lord and Savior.