Prayer For My Daughter On Her Birthday

My beautiful angel, on this special day of yours, may the Lord bless you from above, and cause His face to shine upon you. May He be gracious to you, and bless you with the abundance of His household. May the Lord hear all your prayers and grant all you the desires of your heart. The mercy of God shall speak for you in the day of trouble. The Lord shall keep you from all evil; His banner of love over you shall keep you safe at all times. Happy birthday, Princess. Dad and mum love you to the moon and back.

Dearest daughter, you're the first fruit of my womb; may you be first, relevant and fulfilled in every area of your life. As you celebrate your birthday this special day, may the Lord heap His favour on you. At His command, may the universe be kind to you. In this new year, may the Lord go ahead of you. He'll smoothen every crooked path and open doors of greatness for you. He will bless your going out and prosper your coming in. The Lord shall keep His angels charge of you, to protect you from every harm. I cover every second in every minute of every hour, in each day of your new year, in the precious blood of Jesus. I surround you with walls of fire and angels. No evil shall penetrate or cut short your life, in Jesus name. Happy birthday, my sweetie pie. Enjoy an awesome time in God's presence.

. You're the best thing ever received from God. No one understands me like you do. I love you now and always. Happy birthday, Sunshine.

You're the source of my strength. You don't like to see me sad. You're my daughter, and also my confidant. Happy birthday to you daughter.

Ask you mark your birthday, may your joy never be once upon a time. May you experience God's unending joy throughout your life. Happy birthday, dear daughter.

As God lives, you'll stand tall among your equals. Happy birthday, my daughter.

You make me feel happy every day. And I feel I'm the best mother on earth. I pray, may God give you children that will make you happy. Happy birthday, my sweet daughter.

My sweet baby, I wish you a happy birthday and happier moments following. I love you