Prayer For My Daughter Before Surgery

Dear Lord, Please come to us. Calm the storms of our hearts and minds as our precious child goes into surgery. May we know that your spirit goes with them and that your power will be with the surgeons as they operate. Cover our wonderful child with love and protection, clothe them in grace and hope. We put our trust in you and await the hope of Christ to arise in our lives as they recover and rest. Amen.

It's in times of waiting that we need a strong anchor to hold onto, and the secure love and grace we have in Jesus is that ultimate hope and anchor. Jesus, we want you to be our portion and sustainer while we wait for this procedure. I ask that you would take [name's] right hand as a reminder that your love takes away fear and your presence brings peace. You walked the earth and saw the effects of sickness first-hand, so you are the perfect helper for our hearts and souls today. When [name] or I feel afraid, please help us to trust you. Help us to put our confidence in you alone. Thank you for enduring so much to bring grace and comfort to us. I love you. Amen.

Lord, you are all powerful, and yet you're gentle and present with us in times of need. It's times like now that we are reminded of our weaknesses, but we stand on your promise that your power is in us most beautifully when we are weak. I ask that you would give [name] strength and courage by your Spirit right now. In you, we can have a quiet confidence and rest securely knowing that we're in your loving hands. Even while we wait for the procedure, you say that you go ahead and prepare the way. Let your truth be a light for us to walk by, and help us to trust in your provision and guidance. In the strong name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Lord, I thank you for the life of [Name of child] and that of his/her parents [Name (s)].

Be with this couple today as they wait for their son/daughter to go into surgery. Remind them of your goodness and miracle working power.

Give them hope as they wait for their child's surgery to be over.

Minister hope to their hearts and help them keep their minds and hearts focused on you.

Let them declare your word of healing over their child as they await the outcome of the surgery. Their prayers have the power to make manifest your healing power (James 5:14-15).

Strengthen their family as they trust you to heal their child. Speak words of hope and courage to their hearts.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Loving Father, you have allowed me to see yet another generation in my granddaughter. Her life has been a great blessing to our family.

As she goes into surgery, keep her safe and reassure her of your presence always.

You O Lord know her from when she was in her mother's womb and declared she would live and be a blessing to all nations.

May she come out stronger after the operation and sing of your glory.

Thank you because you sent your word and healed her.

I proclaim your word of healing over her and declare she will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Send your Holy Spirit to renew her strength after the surgery.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the life of my grandson [Name]. He lights up the life of everyone in the family. Watch over him in the operating room and assure him of your constant presence.

Give him the courage he needs to face this surgery and know that he will come out whole and healed.

Let him remember that you are not the one who has brought this illness on his body for you are the God who heals him (Exodus 15:26).

I declare that your healing power is flowing through his body right now. He will live and be a blessing to his generation.

Help him recuperate and be up and running in no time. May he know you as the God who answers prayer.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


I pray over my child and ask that you protect them during surgery and that everything would be successfully accomplished.

Give the surgeon the skilled hands and eyes to operate and I ask that you give guidance and wisdom over every person in the operating room.

Please give my child and us peace and help us as we place our trust in you completely.

Thank you, Lord, for we pray these things in Jesus' precious name Amen.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the beautiful blessing of my child. I pray for your protection over my child's body during and after the surgery.

Being taken into an operating room can be frightening, so I ask Lord, that you give my child courage and that your presence would be felt right there next to my child.

Please give the anesthesiologist and medical team wisdom, compassion, and steady minds to do their job well.

Hold my child's hand tightly while your peace floats warmly over them as they fall asleep.

Please give the surgeon clear, concise wisdom and reveal the things that they need to see to perform the surgery.

I pray that your hands would be upon the surgeon's hands, guiding them through every step.

Help our child to wake up peacefully from the anesthesia once in recovery. I pray for grace and mercy over any pain that may come during this time or afterward.

I pray for patience, strength, and peace over my mind, heart, and body while we wait. We place our complete trust in you Father and know your perfect will shall be done.

You are the Almighty Healer, and we completely give our child, the surgery, and our worries to you at this moment.

We pray these things in Jesus' precious name, Amen.