Prayer For My Dad To Be At Peace

Blessed be Your Name, God! Thank You for Your word that guides me and has instructed me to listen to my father who gave me life, and to not despise my mother when she is old. I pray that I continue to respect my father for the role that You have given him in my life. I will not take Him for granted because Your word tells me not to, Amen.

Righteous God, I proclaim that my father shall put on the full armor of You so that he can make a stand against the devil's schemes. For the struggle is not against flesh and blood, against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. I declare that my father shall be equipped to stand his ground because he shall be covered in the full armor of You, Amen.

Oh Majesty, please give me father strength to endure hardship as discipline, I know that the hardship is You treating him as a son. For what son is not disciplined by his father? I know that You love my father and are continually shaping him to be the person that You have called him to be. Father, I pray that as I too grow older, I will not be content with where I am, but will seek Your discipline so that I may be a better person than I was before, Amen.

Dear Lord, I thank You for the relationship that I have with my earthly father and I pray that You bless him. Your word states that as a father has compassion on his children, so You have compassion on those who fear You. Lord, my relationship with my father has helped me understand the paradigm of my relationship with You, therefore I thank You for my father's life and I pray that You continue to use him, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I place my earthly father before You now and I ask that You keep him. He has kept Your word: as a Father, he did not provoke me to anger, but he brought me up in the discipline and instruction of Christ. Lord, I pray that the knowledge, morals, and principles that You led him to instill in me will also guide his life so that he may draw closer to You, Amen.

Holy One, I declare Your word over my father's life, please guide him in the way of wisdom and lead him in upright paths. I pray that as my father walks, his steps will not be hampered, and when he runs, he will not stumble. I pray against the adversary's plan to cause my father to fall and waver. Lord, continue to be the rock that my father can lean on at all times, Amen.

Omniscient God, thank You for blessing me with an earthly father who has been a reflection of Your word on a daily basis. My father has been a husband that has honored his wife and has treated my mother with understanding as they live together. Unlike how society shows me, my father has shown me how a woman should be respected and cared for. I pray that the things that my father's life has shown me will encourage me to be obedient to Your word also, Amen.

Wonderful Counselor, You commanded the Israelites not to be terrified, not to be afraid. The Word also says that You went before them, fought for them as You did in Egypt, before their very eyes, and in the wilderness. Lord, You carried them, as my father carried me as a child, all the way until we had reached. I pray that You continue to cover father so that he will also remember to not be afraid, Amen.