Prayer For My Dad In Heaven

Gracious Lord, sometimes Heaven seems so far away. Please help my heart feel that You are always near to me. My dad is with You now. I know he is enjoying the unbelievable blessing of Your presence. You told us that You were going to prepare a place for us and that You would be there with us. How awesome it is to know that my dad is in the presence of You! God, please bless him with the supreme joy that can only come from You. Please help me also to have joy, because I know that he is there with You. Amen.

Dear Jesus, thank You for giving us the beautiful picture of Heaven in Your Word, where you said that there will be no longer would there be any more curse or any more night. I look forward to that time, for I know I will be with You and will be able to see my earthly father in Heaven. Please comfort my dad with the thought that one day we will be together again. Lord, if I need to make any changes in my life so that I can see him in Heaven, please forgive me and guide me to the assurance of my salvation and my future home in Your presence in Heaven. Amen.

Almighty God, I thank You for the comfort of Your Word. You have told me that my heart can be at peace about my dad's passing. I know he went immediately into Your presence when he left us here on earth. Thank You, my heavenly Father! Please calm my heart about the loss of my earthly father, and comfort him in Heaven. Please tell him that we miss him dearly, and that we are doing our best to find joy in knowing he is with You. Thank You for loving my dad and making the way for him to be there with You. Amen.

Faithful Father, thank You for being a loving Father to me. Thank You for giving me a loving father here on earth, even if the time I had with him was shorter than I would have liked. My time with my father was precious. He blessed my life in so many ways. Lord, I pray for him in heaven and I ask You to tell him how grateful I am for the memories we made together. Please let him know that I am so thankful for everything he taught me and for helping to make me who I am. Amen.

Precious Savior, my dad is with You now, and I miss being able to go to him for help. He watched over me my whole life. Knowing he was there for me was a great comfort. I know that You are my ultimate Father, Lord. I depend on You for all things. Please watch over my dad and bless him in heaven. Amen.

All-Powerful Lord, I miss my dad telling me that he loves me. Deep down, I am happy that he is with You because You are the God of all love. But I am struggling. I need to feel Your loving presence as I deal with the grief of losing my earthly father. Help me, dear Lord. And please tell my dad that I love him and that I know he loves me. Amen.

My Heavenly Father, today is my dads birthday. I am so happy that he is in heaven with You. I know he is in a better place, at Your side. How awesome to be with Your Creator on your birthday! God, please tell him that I said happy birthday and that I love him. Amen.

Dear God, I am praying for my dad in heaven. I know, Lord, that You love my dad. I am so thankful he is with You, but I do miss him dearly. I really wish I could feel his strong hugs and see his kind eyes. Lord, please give him a hug from me today. In Your name, I pray. Amen.