Prayer For My Car To Be Fixed

Dear Lord, Please send the someone the wisdom and knowledge to find the problem and please I pray
It does not cost a lot of money to fix it
I beg this u and the angles and saints
To help me !!! I am broke !! Thank you

Lord Jesus. As you know every month something needs repairing on my car. This time It has to do with the head. But in Jesus name I know father that by your glorious power it will be something small and inexpensive. And soon I will have my car back. In Jesus name. Amen

Dear Lord please pray that someone will be sent to repair my car within my means of finances, I have struggled for a month an a half without transportation an depending on my dear mother to get me to an from work, I've lost hours of wrk over being inconvenienced with this car being broke down, I'm a single mother an wrk hard everyday to provide for my daughter an I, please pray that it will be fixed with minimal damage!! Please my Lord hear my prayers an bless me with the presence of my car being back up an running! In Jesus Name Amen

Pray dear lord my cars motor is not damaged and that I am able to pay for the work on my carThis car is what I got for all the bad miss treatment I got during my job so it helps me to forget about all the past..Please dear lord hear my prayer..that it not cost alot of money and that I'm able to have it fixed

By the Grace of God I pray
Please help my mechanical problems with the car that you have so lovingly BLESSED me with Lord Jesus. I thank you and Trust you. I am surrendering all to you! Thank you Jesus! I love you! In the name of Jesus I ask

Jesus I beg of you to send someone the knowledge and help someone find the problem on what is wrong with my car father in heaven no one has been able to find out why my car is over heating and I have spent soo much money paying people to fix my car and I am broke and it has caused soo much problems in my marriage !!

Because I pick this car out and it has never worked and spending all of our money trying to fix it Father in Heaven please help me!!!

Lend a willing ear, Lord God, to our prayers, and bless this vehicle with Your holy right hand. Direct Your holy angels to accompany it, that they may free those who ride in it from all dangers, and always guard them. And just as by Your deacon Philip You gave faith and grace to the man of Ethiopia as he sat in his chariot reading the Sacred Word, so, point out to Your servants the way of salvation. Grant that, aided by Your grace, and with their hearts set on good works, they may, after all the joys and sorrows of this journey through life, merit to receive eternal joys, through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

Father, we first come to thank you
for the protection of this womans
children. We thank you for allowing
the car and not their bodies to sustain
the brunt of this accident.
Father, you know the needs of this
woman. We pray that her car can
be repaired and completely paid for
by the insurance company. We pray
that she gets the new job at the
Veterans Administration. You have
aready shown your protection of this
family Lord. You have proven that you
are here with them. Please now, grant
them your extra special graces. We
ask this in the name of Jesus Christ!