Prayer For My Child At School

Dear Father God,

Today, I ask You for godly, loyal friends for my child(ren). Friends who love purity, who are pure in heart, and gracious in speech, friends that will sharpen them and love them at all times. Please give my child(ren) a heart of compassion. Help him/her/them to see situations from every perspective and to treat others like they would want to be treated. Give him/her/them a friendly and kind spirit. May he/she/they welcome friends with a smile. God I pray my child(ren) would be wise when choosing friends. Give him/her/them discernment to find true friends and help them to build each other up. Give them the ability to say no when necessary and bravery to stand up for what is right. In Jesus name I/we pray, Amen.

Dear God, Father of heavenly lights, Giver of perfect gifts,

I give my child(ren) to you today and everyday. Keep him/her and his/her schoolmates safe and protected, Father God. I ask that this school year you would use every person, every experience and every lesson to shape him/her into Your image, to grow in his/her fruit of Your spirit. God, grow in his/her heart. Teach him/her to sacrifice like You did, giving up what he/she values for the good of others. Bless the teachers and administrators, God. Keep them safe. These men and women who have committed to invest in the next generation. Give them discernment and wisdom to see each student's unique abilities and gifts. Multiply their preparation and may their plans be fruitful. Fill the day with moments of wonder. Remind them of their special place in the lives of their students and give them confidence in their abilities. And for all the parents/grandparents, Lord, I pray for peace. Give us plenty to do so we don't have time to fret. Let us be extraordinarily grateful for the privilege of parenting. Fill us with wisdom as we watch our babies grow. Grant us patience and kindness as they stretch their wings. Hold us close to You as we learn to let them go. In Jesus name I/we pray, Amen.

Lord Jesus, I humbly pray for my daughter, Cecilia. She has a hard time in school and struggles with how fast paced everything has become. She does her best just to keep up. Please keep her in your hands during this stressful testing time. And give her teachers guidance and wisdom to know how to best help her. Please give me the patience to continue to meet her needs so that she can improve to the best of her ability. Thank you for guiding her this year and continue to keep her focused so she can become a successful student. In Your Name I pray. AMEN!

Dear Lord i humbly ask that you help my son and be with him throughout the day at school. Everything seems so new and overwhelming for him and his loosing focus in the classroom. i put his life in the palm of your hands and know that you are with him.

Lord I humbly ask that you bless my daughter and help her in her studies in school. It's been a tough year since we moved to another country and she is struggling with her studies at the moment. She's hardworking and I am totally convinced in my heart that Lord, You will bless and empower her. Your knowledge and understanding shall never depart from her and she will shine and sail through all the difficulties smoothly. In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen

Jesus,thank u for all the love you have given to us.My kid is struggling in her studies she is always having a stressful day.Lord,you know that because of her shyness she finds her subjects more difficult.She has only 1 friend that can help her.

I am requesting you Jesus to help her and i am hoping that her professor understand her weakness.She really like her course.I know by your help Jesus,she can finish her studies.By your will,she can be calm and safe.All these i ask through Christ our Lord,Amen.

Heavenly Father, you are our creator. Today you commanded the sun to rise and a new day to begin. You are the giver of life. You allowed our eyes too open and our feet to move. You, Lord, are sovereign over everything that will take place in this day. You are holy, righteous, and just. God, you are our comforter when we're afraid. You are our stronghold when we are weak. You never leave us nor forsake us. You are all-wise and give us wisdom when we ask for it.

Today, Lord, we confess our sins to you. We confess times during the school day that we have not honored you by working with a grateful heart, remembering that we're working for you and not other people. We confess the times we've had a bad attitude, said disrespectful words, or taken for granted this gift of education you've given us. We confess when we haven't loved others with the love you show us. Please, Lord, forgive us.

Thank you, God, for the gift of an education. Thank you for giving us our school, teachers, and resources. Thank you for the gift of a country that values education for all people, boys and girls, of all ethnicities and social classes. Thank you for our minds that are made in your image and have the ability to think, reason, and learn. Thank you for all the opportunities we have because of these gifts. Thank you for our family who we have to come home to at the end of the day. And most of all, thank you for your gift life. Thank you for dying on the cross for us and raising from the grave three days later so that we can know you now and have eternal life with you in heaven one day.

Lord Jesus, I ask you to please keep my children safe and healthy today. Please protect their minds. Help them to keep your truth at the forefront and may they evaluate what they learn against it. I pray that you will equip their minds with the ability to learn everything they can about the world you created. At the same time, please remind them that their worth is secure in who they are in you, not how smart they are or what they know. Please bless my children with close friends who also follow you. May they be encouraged in their faith through the faith of those closest to them. And help my kids be a light to other children who do not know you. May my kids be leaders and not followers, and may their example lead others to you. I pray for my children's teachers. Please give them patience, wisdom, knowledge, and love for their students. Please protect their families as well. Help my children to love other people more than themselves. Help them to show your love in everything they do, say, and think. Give them the courage to go to the child who is lonely, an outcast, or picked on. Help them to stand up for truth and what's right.

Please help me, as their mom, pay attention to their needs. Help me to be a good observer. Help me know what to say and how to help them when they need it. Lord, help me to trust you with my children. Help me to let go in age-appropriate ways. Please remind me that you love my children more than I do and that you want their best, too. Please, Lord, give me peace.

Lord Jesus, we love you! We praise you! Give us eyes to see you, ears to hear you, and a heart that loves only you. Help us to love you with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and help us to love others more than ourselves. Thank you, again, for this day. May you be glorified. Amen.

Lord, bless my children's academic skills and efforts. I pray You would give each of them the desire to learn and the gift of knowledge. Help them excel in their strengths while persevering in their weaknesses. Do not let them become discouraged when they cannot grasp things with ease. Instead may they appreciate and store up the knowledge they gain.

Father, as much as I want my children to flourish in their educations, so much more do I want them to gain wisdom. Your Word teaches us that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor (Ecclesiastes 7:12), that wisdom is supreme (Proverbs 4:7) and the one who gets it will have great insight, able to understand what is right and just and fair. May wisdom enter into their hearts and knowledge be pleasant to their souls. May discretion protect them and understanding guard them (Proverbs 2:9-11).

Father, I pray that in all of life's schools, may my children come to the conclusion that fearing You and keeping Your commandments is the ultimate duty of their lives (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Keep them grounded, centered on You, broadening their knowledge while maintaining their integrity. In Jesus' name, Amen.