Prayer For Mission Workers

All-Knowing Father, I want to pray for missionaries today. Many times, the lack of fruit in their labors can cause discouragement. Their discouragement can lead to self-doubt and depression. I pray that as they face these discouraging moments, that You encourage them in their ministries. Please grant them peace to wait for Your timing and wisdom for reaching the lost. Amen.

God of Victory, I pray for the missionaries in the world today. Life can be challenging, especially in the early days of their service. The simplest tasks require learning new words, and it can be overwhelming. I ask that You give each missionary a spirit of adventure. Help them to see that each obstacle or hardship may be the next opportunity to share Your love with someone. Lord, grant strength and resolve as they go throughout this day. Amen.

God of Loving Devotion, I pray for the missionaries all over the planet. I ask that You help them remain faithful to the call that You have given. I pray that when they feel like giving up, that You will grant them Your strength and a desire to carry-on. I ask that when they don't feel like leaving their home, that You will place Your fire in their chests. Gracious Lord, please help them carry-on being Your hands and feet. Amen.

Compassionate and Gracious God, I come before You and pray for the missionary children. Their lives are unique and sometimes challenging. Children are resilient, Lord; however, often they go through great trials and struggles. I pray You increase their strength and wisdom. I also ask that You protect them physically and spiritually. Guard their hearts, Lord, and set them apart for Your service. Amen.

Oh, Jesus, my Great Healer, I come before You requesting Your blessing for the missionaries today. Often isolation and stress can push them to the point of a mental breakdown. I pray that You give them the mind of Christ and protect them. I pray that You provide the help needed for any who are already suffering from mental distress. I place them all into Your loving hands and ask for Your covering over them. Amen.

Blessed Lord in Heaven, I want to pray for the missionaries who are currently in language studies. I pray You would grant them great wisdom and understanding in their studies. I specifically pray for those that are new to the field. It can be quite overwhelming in the beginning. I ask You to grant them an extra measure of peace, resolve, and understanding. Grant them success in their studies so that those You have called can know You. Amen.

Abba, Father, daily life in a foreign culture takes more energy and time to live. I pray You would give the missionaries a hunger in their heart for time with You. Please lead families to worship together. Please break down the walls of their busy lives. Their tasks are demanding, but their spiritual health must come first. I pray, Gracious Lord, that You instill a spiritual hunger within each of them so they can be the most effective. Amen.

Heavenly Father, sometimes being isolated from your home, culture, family, friends, and your church can become overwhelming for missionaries. I pray Your covering over their emotional well-being. I specifically pray for those who are new to the field, as they are most vulnerable to the adjustment. Gracious Lord, I pray that You would place a desire in our hearts to reach out to them in creative ways so the distance will not seem so far. Guard their minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.