Prayer For Mistakes At Work

Lord, help me to see the cause of difficulty with our client. Give me wisdom on how I can better resolve any issues that may be causing unhappiness on their end. May we meet at a common understanding as to what is to be expected from one another, so there is no let down from unrealistic expectations failing to be met.

Help me convey what we offer and how we offer it clearly to avoid unreasonable demands from being made. Give me the grace, patience, and strength to communicate with those who have difficult personalities.

Help my reactions to be professional and not emotional. May I think first and have self-control when doing business with those who do not treat me or speak to me as they should.

I have made a mistake that has the potential to impact others in a negative way. I have not lived up to my role as I should, and I need your help. God, show me what to do and how to move forward in fixing what I have done. Help others to view my mistake as nothing more and remind them of my hard work and dedication to the company.

Lord, allow this to be an opportunity of learning and growth and not one of embarrassment and shame. Help me to spot the places that need improvement and the best way to make those changes. Help me to be more aware of what I am doing and to take notice of when something could be done better. Let the criticism that I received be used for my betterment and allow me to use it as a push towards better performance.

Help me to move forward no longer making the same mistake and working to prevent future mistakes.

I understand that everyone operates differently and at a different pace, but I ask that you help us to work in unity. I believe that I can make clear, concise decisions, and I ask that you help others involved to recognize that.

Help me to explain my thoughts on the decision and why it must be made professionally. Help us not to be overly cautious, but to be confident in our information and the decision we believe to be the right one.

God, I ask that you take the lead and guide us to a well informed and timely decision.

(Lord) Everything at work is a competition with one of my coworkers. Although I can sometimes be competitive, the need to be competitive daily is draining.

Help my coworker to see that although a competitive nature is healthy in the workplace, we are also a team that must work in harmony without the constant need for competition. Help them to channel their competitive energy in a positive way that does not affect others negatively.

Help me to be patient, understanding that not everyone is like me. Help me to embrace their individuality and not upset by their competitive nature. Show me a kind and professional way to express my disinterest in their constant competition.

Lord, help my boss to shift his focus from my weaknesses to my strengths. Help him to see the qualities I possess that are beneficial to this company. Help me to work on my weaknesses in a way that my boss is able to see my progress and be confident in may ability.

Show me areas where my sregnths can be used more and ways that I can become better in my areas of weakness. May I be confident in you, knowing that I can do anything as long as you are here helping me.

Lord, I feel unappreciated. I work hard and go over and beyond, and my boss doesn't even seem to notice.

Help me to remain confident in my hard work and ability, regardless of the validation that I may or may not receive from others. Help me to trust that if I continue to work hard that you will cause those who are supposed to take notice to see the work that I have done. Let the opinion of others not be the source of my success, but instead trust that you see all I do and will cause me to succeed.

Heavenly Father, please help me. I have recently made a series of mistakes at work and these are now coming to the attention of my boss and the other managers in the unit. I am really sorry for the mistakes and have worked out steps to improve but feel that it may already be too late.

A restructure and review of jobs is also taking place (I have worked here for most of my adult life). I am afraid that I may lose my job outright, that any replacement job created during the review will not match my abilities or that I will be unsuccessful in applying for it.

I would like to pray for the ability to handle this situation with calmness, grace and most of all in faith. Amen.

Oh Lord, dear God. Let your heavenly light shine upon me and cleanse my soul of my anxiety and stress that this mistake has caused. Please help me to forgive myself and help other find it in their heart to forgive me. Please let something positive arise out of this difficult situation, and please fill my boss' heart with kindness and understanding. Give me the strength to admit to my errors. I put this obstacle in your hands. In your name, AMEN.