Prayer For Military Moms

Dear Lord, I'm praying for my loved one's faith today. I know it's got to be shaken by what he's seeing around him. Instead of being shaken, use his circumstances to strengthen his faith. Let him see the situations around him as evidence of Your great love.

We live in an imperfect world. Use that imperfection to show him how great Your power is. Let him see evidence of how You work things together for good, instead of for evil. Use the situations around him to strengthen his faith in ways that will prepare him for the future You have for him.

Lord, I can't begin to imagine how You can do that in the middle of a war zone, but I'm asking You to show up in a mighty way. I know that in the Bible there are stories of horrible circumstances, yet people could see You at work. They could watch You bring good things out of bad situations.

Let my loved one see how great You are and how You still perform miracles. Give him evidence that You still show up when You are called. Renew his faith and make him stronger.
